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Hardest Champion Tier List Patch 11.4

FlyingWailord's Tier List FlyingWailord's Tier List
Last updated on February 25, 2021
381398 66
768 Votes

S tier (you will never master these champions)

Tier Description


A tier ( Really hard champions)

Tier Description


b tier (Hard champions)

Tier Description


c tier (average champions)

Tier Description


f tier (Best champions when new to the game)

Tier Description

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dorelacs | May 18, 2021 10:46am
Hello, is Gwen on this Tier list? If not, can you please add her? Thank you very much.
SaltCat (19) | April 8, 2021 10:48pm
Camille definetly , 100% , without any doubt should be S tier, there is no way lucian or orianna or rakan or even shaco is harder than camille
Hafhex | September 16, 2021 12:26pm
SaltCat wrote:
Camille definetly , 100% , without any doubt should be S tier, there is no way lucian or orianna or rakan or even shaco is harder than camille

I play both camille and Orianna, I have lvl 7 on both and from my expirience, Both orianna and camille are are hard, but there is a twist... From what I've played I've realized that the Laning phase with Orianna is very hard and you basecly play for the first 3 levels where you have an advantage, and your late game, Orianna lane can be extrimly hard and when they are using a counter pick you just afk farm undertower basecaly, Camille for the other hand I found much easier than orianna in the lanning phase but while orianna is nopt that hard on teamfights as long u have a good engager, camille is much hard in the teamfights... 90% of the games u will be the engager, and I don't have much experience, this is based on my gameplay and I'm not saying you are rong or right, just sharing
RngNick | May 22, 2021 4:23pm
Camille should definitely be A tier but S tier is too much honestly. She is easier than Fiora by a LOT. She is like Fiora that doesnt ahve liability to time her defensive tool correctly and dont need that much mechanical skill to pull her off in more intensive situations. Tbh, there isnt a lot of these situations at all. But ye, she still should be that A tier while lot of champs listed as A tier shouldnt be there like Zoe and other artillery mages and kench. Kinda ridiculous.
SaltCat (19) | May 22, 2021 9:43pm
I agree with you on the topic of, some A tier champs should be lower. But on the topic of camille, she ranks even of higher than fiora, she is really hard to pick up, and extremely hard to master, she ranks supreme on all tier lists based on difficulty!
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EvoNinja7 (18) | March 23, 2021 6:37am
Aphelios isn't that hard, same with viego. Viego is sort of braindead until you possess someone, but that doesn't even last that long.
Andrew Botchwey | March 23, 2021 8:28am
I think that Aphelios is easy to use but hard to master. Aphelios can be around average difficulty if you just focus on gun synergy and comboing the guns you currently has. But he gets far more difficult when you try to master everything he can do. You’ve gotta manage your ammo, figure out gun synergy, plan out what gun combination you wanna use next while also setting up a swap combo so you can maximize your damage, combo your ult with you abilities, figure out if you wanna use up a gun to farm or if you want to kill someone with it, and position correctly so you don’t get popped like a balloon a few days after a birthday party. It's not extremely complicated, given time all the planning and management can become easy, but that doesn’t mean that he is easy to use. I legitimately got a headache after playing him for the first time. To be fair, I’m not very good and have only been playing him for a few weeks so my experience is limited, and in the end having more experience may make him easier.

I do think Viego should be in B tier though, just like Sylas.
EvoNinja7 (18) | March 24, 2021 2:25am
I think balancing his kit and actually applying adc basics along with it is why people find him hard. And yes, I would say viego belongs in B because i really don't see how hard he is.
BERNIE69 | March 12, 2021 10:36am
how the f is singed hard i played him once in my life and went 25/0
Karsmatic | April 8, 2021 9:00pm
You were probably vs bots, even the top singed mains normally don't go positive.
Crossknight06 | March 2, 2021 12:37am
This tier list is wrong a lot of people has mastered this champions
draaavenn | March 1, 2021 2:55pm
lmfao thresh and riven are not harder than rengar
RngNick | March 23, 2021 6:19am
As someone who has few hundreds of games on Rengar, I gotta say that Riven is harder. Rengar being mechanically hard is just misconception. You just need to know how to abuse his kit properly from macro perspective. You just need to know the situations you are in and how to play into them. Mechanically nothing hard. He is just about knowhow you build over the time and sticking to it. Basically decision making. Sure he can be mechanically rewarding and you can pull some interesting stuff but its far from being mandatory and very situational. Riven has more combos and need some practice and then there is each situation you are in. Sure she can turn off her brain since she doesnt have to think about macro and etc. like Rengar and her combos are just muscle memory that can be autopiloted but she takes actively more effort to pull off.
Doschy | April 27, 2021 5:52am
my dude, if a champion has an average winrate of over 50% they are not that hard to play. Mastering them is optional at that point imo.
Tandah | February 10, 2021 2:36pm
This list doesn't make sense. As someone with m6 + m4 lee, and m3-m4 on most assassins I can guarantee you those champs don't belong in the place they are. Also, panth takes some skill to play lol, not anything like S or A tier but a good B or C tier.
bodie111 | November 30, 2020 11:59am
As someone who plays a lot of toplane some of your choices don't make any sense. How is aatrox an A tier champ in difficulty when Camille and Kled are b tier champs despite both of them being harder than aatrox. How is fiora anywhere near comparible to irelia in difficulty? Why is tahm kench A tier, I get he's not an easy champ to make work in solo queue but that doesn't mean he's hard. He's just poorly balanced and is usually undertuned in terms of solo queue because he is stronger in coordinated environments. If your putting tahm kench in A tier because he's hard to make work why is a champ like braum in d or a champ like taric c tier when they have the exact same thing going on for them aswell, except they are 5x harder mechanically. Urgot should be E or F tier. Darius and Hecarim shouldn't be in the same tier as champs like nasus or morde either, it's especially odd because they're both harder than urgot yorick and illaoi who are all in a tier above them. Brand being in F tier doesn't make any sense at all when you look half the champs in D tier. Like I'm really supposed to believe that a champ like yuumi or morg is harder than brand? Also how are ez and xayah b tier champs. I'm not an expert in terms of adc's but aren't they both heavily regarded as being two of the hardest adcs to master? I also definitely think u are hard overrating ivern. He is a really easy champ to play since you hardly need to worry about efficiently clearing and there are no mechanics on him. There is also just some stuff that blatantly doesn't make sense like how lulu is c tier but raka is F tier when raka has 2 skillshots and requires better positioning and has more risk to her.
RngNick | March 23, 2021 6:10am
Irelia is just harder to pick up than Fiora. In lower elos ppl dont even know what Fiora does but at some point Fiora is even harder to master than Irelia since not only you have mechanics but also against Fiora you can really easily learn how to play around her W and he is screwed. Literally any form of CC fks Fiora even slows. Irelia need proper wavemanagement to pull her off which is unique when it comes to champ management but outside of hardoutplaying your opponent, all you need is 5 stacks. How drututt says it: "Irelia just needs 5 stacks and she is ready to invade any country in the world." He is bit biased toward her but she sure hit like a truck with passive and unlike in past she is now more played into on-hit AA melee god monstrosity. Irelia is harder to pilot in later stages from macro perspective cuz you cant get 5 stacks without minions nearby but so Fiora is mechanically even harder. Also about hecarim and Darius. With Darius I agree cuz trying to simply running champs down like brainless idiot will get you so far and getting used to Q to consistently hit it against even little bit more mobile champs also takes time. But in case of hecarim I dont see any reason as to why he should be higher than morde. I play both champs and I am top/jg main and I understand that in jungle having good macro and game understanding is more of requirement than it is on toplane and hecarim is about abusing his hit in right situation, which doesnt seem like much in comparison to others in general but against morde who can turn his brain off and just spam abilities off cooldown it definitely is change worth notice but still thats more about champions in roles than the champions per se. Also about Ezreal. That he is harder than traditional adcs doesnt inherently make him harder than other champs from different roles. I would even argue that someone like ashe is harder just by pure virtue that ezreal has escape and unlike DPS based champs he doesnt need to position so properly. So his only skill expression comes purely from skillshots and limit of his kit. I would let him stay in B tier or low A tier but definitely no S tier where he is by now.
bodie111 | April 12, 2021 5:26pm
I agree with what you said but I don't think fully mastering fiora is really practical/necessary. Like sure you could theoretically master insta ult procs and **** but even a lot of good high elo fioras don't do it/rarely do it and honestly its pretty rare where you will ever need to do her most advanced things. Like for example I never see forgottenproject ever do insta ults or auto flash for vitals. Fiora in general is just pretty easy to be effective on especially relative to irelia who feels really difficult to be effective with and still has a really high mastery curve. Fiora is much more forgiving too, because she can misstime parry and still often outtrade her opponent because of the attackspeed slow, or like she still gets reward for hitting q even if she doesn't get the vital, whereas irelia punishes u very hard for any small mistake like if u missuse Q or miss E slightly. In general i would still say irelia is much harder than fiora because in order to be effective and win games irelia takes much more experience.
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LulzTVit (1) | November 25, 2020 11:31pm
Explain how Fiora is in the A tier and how Aatrox is below her? She is so incredibly easy and overstatted the only hard thing about her is timing your w but there isn't any big fault in missing it since you can spam 3 right clicks and one shot your enemy. I played her and against her and when I played her won lane by default even though I did not know a single thing about her and when I played against her I got one shot and stunned just by trying to farm. Meanwhile with Aatrox you get punished real hard for making any small mistake. If you miss Q you lost the trade or teamfight and have to reposition or even completely back off, you have to learn to manage your Q and E cooldowns, you have to properly use your W and even then it doesn't guarantee that you win the trade, you have to play around your R and not waste it. This is truly a champion almost impossible to master meanwhile Fiora is some Jax level overstatted abomination of a broken one shotting giga healing splitpusher that can win lane by simply existing.
RngNick | March 23, 2021 5:42am
LulzTVit wrote:
Explain how Fiora is in the A tier and how Aatrox is below her? She is so incredibly easy and overstatted the only hard thing about her is timing your w but there isn't any big fault in missing it .

Cuz against dumb fks it always gonna work like that, on any champion. Any half decent human being wont let you do as you please and punish you for mistake. Only against expressly idiots you can afford to miss your parry, that you get punished on ur lil aatrox for missing Q is just hardcore bias just due to importance of her W in her kit and her numbers that are far from sufficient to play without any sort of defensive ability. Especially early game.
LulzTVit wrote:
you can 3 right clicks and one shot your enemy.

Not until lategame where you matter so much that you are just cannon minion anywhere else than 1v1 situation.

LulzTVit wrote:
Meanwhile with Aatrox you get punished real hard for making any small mistake. If you miss Q you lost the trade or teamfight and have to reposition or even completely back

If you lose trade or teamfight due to missing spammable ability then that speaks for your skill level and skill level of your opponents. Moreover then you go and talk sh;t about how Fiora, a numerically inferior first 15 minutes but squishier next 15, how she can afford to not give a fk about her only defensive tool and on long CD to top it off.

Truly hardcore bias from butthurt monke playing against even bigger losers.
BuffYasuoPls123 | November 17, 2020 4:17am
Okay I'm just upset yuumi is not in the bottom tier as easiest champion.
If you think soraka is an easier support than yuumi you've never played the game.
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