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League of legends patch 10.18 tier list for clibing solo queue <3  Patch 10.18

Dakuneko's Tier List Dakuneko's Tier List
Last updated on September 7, 2020
1119 5
1 Votes
New Tier List


For those of you who are in a rush or already in champion select, here is a list of the strongest champions for every role in Patch 10.18

Top god tier

Tier Description


Jungle god tier

Tier Description


mID god tier

Tier Description


adc god tier

Tier Description


support god tier

Tier Description


top a tier

Followed by b tier list : akali ,  rengar , gnar , irelia , vayne , vladimir , ornn , kled , aatrox , kayle , poppy ,illaoi ,sett , sion , cho gath ,vollibear


jungle a tier

Followed by b tier list : lee sin , rengar , reksai , evelynn , kindred , karthus , udir , lillia , olaf , senjuani , skarner , trundle , jarvan , wukong , jax , nocturne


mid a tier

Followed by b tier list : leblanc, zoe , sylas , xerath , twisted fate , cassiopeia , anivia , syndra , viktor , lucian , pantheon , malzahar , malphite , veigar


adc a tier

followed by b tier list : kalista , aphelios , cassiopeia , varus , kog maw , heimerdinger , xayah , ziggs , sivir


support a tier

followed by b tier list : rakan , xerath , vel koz , shaco , alistar , galio , braum , karma , maokai

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TheInkKingLoL (43) | October 31, 2020 12:38pm
Well done on the tier list!
All of the choices for each tier here are very solid and good carries.
I know you mentioned below that this isn't your own and I was wondering where you got it from?
It's also probably worth an update about now unless you want to wait for preseason.
Doody_tco (26) | October 30, 2020 11:49pm
Thank you for making it easier in here, but what I hate about those tiers is that they are prone to constant change, well not to all champions but some... I do not know why I am commenting on this or stating my opinion, I am not a faker or anything xD
Anyways, good luck :>
SELORONIOS (118) | September 7, 2020 5:33am
wow big tier list.
hmm, however I don't recommend to "those of you who are in a rush or already in champion select" to 1st pick any of those mid laners. (specially not yas :DDD)
nice job on the guide.
Dakuneko | September 7, 2020 5:43pm
thnx for the recommendation . The guide isnt mine . I found it and ii thought i could share it here
SELORONIOS (118) | September 8, 2020 1:29am
Hmmm, thank you. It surely is better than most tier lists here.
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