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Low ELO Support Tier List Patch 10.13

I main support's Tier List I main support's Tier List
Last updated on July 2, 2020
10281 10
6 Votes


This is my own Tier list of Who's the best support

This is MY opinion, you might not think the same but it's really up to you to pick

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Tier 1 Support(s)

Soraka: is a one of the best Support because her heal is insane if you max it and her global heal is also a really good ultimate for a supportMorgana is also a really good support for her anti CC shield and her constant damage, she also has a really long root time if you max her Q and her E does a lot of damage if you max it.Nami is a good support because she is able to empower her ADC abilities and AA, she also have some utility and her heal is , also like Soraka, really broken if you max it, she has to be one of the better supportsBlitzcrank: Blitzcrank is a good support is because he can hook anyone into your team/ADC to kill them, he has a lot of CC and is a really good support at getting your ADC ahead. Nautilus is a number one support because he has high CC and has everything an ADC need, a root, a stun, a slow, and a knock up, this makes him on of the best supports.


Tier 2 Support(s)

Sona: Sona is a good support, but her mana problem all game is quite the problem, and her heal is also on quite a long cooldown making her heal sort of inconsistent.Janna: Janna is a really good support, if there is a Yasuo on your team, even though there isn't, she has consistent poke and has a crazy shield if you max it first.Lulu: Lulu is a really good support, but a little underwhelming, her abilities are on quite a long cooldown, but she also does a lot of damage, but she isn't really the type of support that can help the adc as much as the Tier 1 Pyke, is a good support, but he lacks the cc compared to the tier 1 support, and he's very vulnerable to poke from adcs or ranged support, his hooks aren't as impactful as nautilus, but they are easier to land. 


Tier 3 Support(s)

Rakan: He has a very weak early game, with not that much damage or heal, late game he can set up kills, but he doesn't have a lot of utility as the others.Lux: She is more of a poking support, she uses a lot of mana early game (which makes her recall a lot), and she most of the time isn't very supportive if aren't playing correctly.Leona: Even though she is a really good support, she is also very risky, she is mele making her more vulnerable to damage, she has high cc making it very easy to set up kills for her, but if no one follows up, then she is quite uselessThresh: Thresh isn't really up the tier because he's a really hard character to learn in the lower ELO, but higher in the ELO, his tier would go up, but this is a tier list for low ELO, he's not really the bestBraum: Like Leona he has quite a lot of utility, but his abilities are more on the defensive side, and he's really hard to learn, you have to know when to use his Q, W, E, R making his really hard to learn, but rewarding to master. Senna is a hard champion, she if usually played quite defensively and her abilities scaling aren't the best right now, she's for now quite weak unless played correctly, and a lot of other support can counter her, so for now, she's a tier 3 support. Yuumi: though a really good support, in the lower ELO her heal is very inconsistent, usually lower elo can't dodge skill shots as consistently making her heal no very useful, and her mana cost at level 1 and throughout the game is quite high making her short on mana most of the time, her ult is also put in one direction, if not aimed correctly is useless, and finally, she's usually attached to somebody and not dealing much damage, making it feels like you're in a 4v5, Yuumi also recently got nerf, and now her healing takes up a lot of her mana, making her heal even more inconsistent, and usually the jungle won't give yuumi blue buff so she isn't as strong as she is before, still she is a great support.Yuumi: though a really good support, in the lower ELO her heal is very inconsistent, usually lower elo can't dodge skill shots as consistently making her heal no very useful, and her mana cost at level 1 and throughout the game is quite high making her short on mana most of the time, her ult is also put in one direction, if not aimed correctly is useless, and finally, she's usually attached to somebody and not dealing much damage, making it feels like you're in a 4v5, Yuumi also recently got nerf, and now her healing takes up a lot of her mana, making her heal even more inconsistent, and usually the jungle won't give yuumi blue buff so she isn't as strong as she is before, still she is a great support.


Tier 4

Swain: He might have his root and pull, but his root is sort of hard to pull off, if there is a lot of minions, making it really hard for him to set up kills, his root is also on quite a long cooldown and is also very inconsistent. Neeko: Neeko only has 1 utility spell on a sort of low cooldown, even though it's on sort of a low cooldown, it's sort of easy to miss it because how bright the ability is, it also doesn't last a super long time so it makes Neeko quite a bad support.Kayle: Kayle has a very bad early game, she has almost no damage early game, and her heal cost a lot of mana, she can't poke as much as the other support making her sort of an underwhelming support, and she also need gold to get her items, but if she play support she doesn't get the gold she needs, making her sort of fall behind.

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taric astley | July 3, 2020 12:06pm
As a fellow low elo player I absolutely agree with this tier list.However you forgot to add Taric.I'm not sure if this is a mistake or if it's because there are only a handful of Taric players in low elo.
Wicked Cherry (162) | June 15, 2020 7:22am
Hey I main support,
I wondered why you've put Leona into the third tier. She's actually able to carry a game mostly by herself. She's pretty easy to play, since she's got heaps of hard CC and is tanky on top which means she can usually even survive some of her own misplays. So in my opinion she should be moved up at least a tier. :)
But otherwise I'm agreeing with your picks. Please add Vel'Koz & Veigar though - guessing you'd probably put them into the lower tiers. :)

Cheers, Wicked Cherry.
I main support | June 25, 2020 5:29am
Reason why I put her in 3rd tier is because usually in the lower ranks you just throw your abilities around and hope for the best, usually it works with mages, but Leona she dies rlly quick in the early game if she engages too much so that's why I don't put her up as high, and for you second request, thank you for suggesting Vel and Vei I'll be adding them
Wicked Cherry (162) | July 3, 2020 11:27am
sorry for the late reply.

I just thought it's odd because Leona has like one of the strongest level 2 spikes of all champions in game. If she lands a EQ then, you've probably won the lane by that. And it's not that hard to land it. Of course, I can only talk about my gold elo experiences but she's pretty strong. She falls off in late game but she's still got her loooong (I believe it was around 4 seconds?) stuns. Of course there's counters, especially Morgana's and Sivir's shields or champions with burst or gap closers, but every balanced champion needs some kind of counterplay. For the current patch she's even suggested in the S tier.

You don't have to move her around if you don't want to - it's your tier list after all - but in my opinion she deserves better than tier 3.
lemonbellflower (22) | June 7, 2020 3:15pm
Yeah, this definitely checks out! Those top champs are the ones I definitely see most often, even though I'm not playing ranked yet (damn 20 champions requirement...). I'm a little curious though, where's Yuumi? Is she just not played enough low elo to make the list?
I main support | June 14, 2020 7:32am
Thank you for reminding me, I'll be adding her!
berronii (13) | June 3, 2020 6:19am
Why is cancerous Neeko in Tier 4, can you explain it quite more since she is cancer with insane poke damage which wins a lot of games for her complete team. By the way, I also don't agree with Nautilius being put in S Tier since he is a completely skill-based champion. You have a vote from me, thank you for contributing! Best regards, berroni.
I main support | June 14, 2020 7:31am
Neeko does have 'insane' poke, but in the lower elo, usually they'll play sona or soraka which making hero poke quite useless, and usually the support as a lot of CC which is quite deadly to Neeko, her only utility is her E, and sometimes her ult. Making Neeko not a very useful support. Also, in the 'lower' elo hitting skillshots is quite hard, because we don't really 'read' the enemy making it harder to hit the skillshots.
ReefCrab | June 2, 2020 1:12pm
But you left out the man himself, Pyke. He may not be a conventional support but look at Blitz or Nautilus. they don't heal and instead offer other benefits to their ADCs. thinking of which, you also left out Nautilus! I'm sure there's many more supports that need to/should be added to this tier list but I'd love to see your stance on the two I mentioned.
I main support | June 2, 2020 7:07pm
Oh sorry, I forgot about them, I don't play tank support or assassin support so I forgot about them, sorry I'm going to add them, I now have added Pyke and Nautilus, thank you for commenting what I have left out!
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