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patch 8.10 (almost 8.11)-ranked picks Patch 8.10

hadbre's Tier List hadbre's Tier List
Last updated on May 22, 2018
2903 4
1 Votes
New Tier List


I dont think you should follow the meta, just have fun, but if you want to climb faster, i think this list will help you. Remember that every champion can work great if you use
him/her right. (and the roles i putted in the notes are some checked ones, they dont mean you must play that champ like that. Remember, nothing is a must in League.
-Pls write me coments, and help me write an even better list! Thanks :)

Firsth to pick/ban

Most of those are easy to play and easy to climb with atleast to gold 2 (you would need more game knowlaga than skill with a champion)


Quite strong picks

champions that are really strong but req. more skill


mostly high elo

very strong champions that req. much more skill than other champs (LITTLE HARDER CHAMPIONS TO MASTER)



CHAMPIONS I didnt mention arent bad (no such thing as a bad champion), I just wasnt sure where to put them, but those i did put above can surly THE BESt picks

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Ronyk (21) | February 6, 2018 10:31am
I dont think you should follow the meta, just have fun
+1 for that attitude!

I hadn't considered Zoe playing as bot lane support until I saw you mention it in this list. It's an intriguing idea... Build up stacks for Rend or Contaminate after the target is hit by the bubble, then proc the bubble's double damage after they fall asleep by using the ability.
Jovy (953) | February 6, 2018 11:27am
You can try her out for fun but I don't think she's really viable as a support. The only thing that would make her a possible support is that she has some sort of CC, but if that was all it took to be a strong support than practically any champion could be one; Cho, Elise, Xayah, Ashe etc.

rambling about why she'd make a bad support
Ronyk (21) | February 6, 2018 12:05pm
I totally agree with you. I just get excited when people propose off-meta ideas~

It's like my weakness or something XD
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