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Urgot vs. Champs in Low elo Patch 10.21

IAmTheWeapon's Tier List IAmTheWeapon's Tier List
Last updated on October 23, 2020
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This is a tier list of Urgot match ups in low elo. In lower elo's, i find that the champs that actually counter Urgot are different than the higher elo's. I'm going to share my experience with Urgot matchups in lower elo.

Great matchup

The Matchups that you dream of as Urgot.


Good matchup

A lot of these matchups are more even at higher elo's, but in plat and under i find myself consitently winning these.



Tier Description


bad matchup

These matchups are winnable, but frustrating to play.


terrible matchup

These are the matchups that just make you rage and you really just have to hope you scale into the game.

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Tomatenplukkerxx (3) | October 23, 2020 10:48am
A good kayle will be able to dominate even if you're camped by urgot.
IAmTheWeapon | October 23, 2020 6:55pm
Against Kayle Urgot still has counter play with escape velocity + Q + E which lets you be viable even if you don't get camped, but even if the Kayle is good as long as you have an attentive jg you can hopefully shut her down and finish the game before she becomes to much of a problem.(ALso just a side note keep in mind this is a low elo tier list, we aren't looking at players to amazing)
ak521 (23) | October 15, 2020 4:48pm
Yorick's difficult matchup. Urgot will generally not be able to outdamage him, especially late
IAmTheWeapon | October 15, 2020 7:02pm
Due to his w's ability to completely shred Yorick's ghouls, he loses a lot of his dps, affecting him at all parts of the game.
TheInkKingLoL (43) | October 15, 2020 9:40am
Never played Urgot before, but I could see where these placements are coming from. However, I would have thought Riven would go in the "terrible matchup" tier since she's super annoying and is pretty mobile in the close range.
Nice job on the tier list overall and good luck!
IAmTheWeapon | October 15, 2020 4:34pm
Because of how up close and in your face riven has to be, Urgot just toggles w and shreds her with passives, and it makes it super easy to land your e.
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