Now I consider myself an avid Kha'Zix player, particularly in the Jungle. However, I've noticed that whenever there is a Master Yi that is a jungler on the other team, he constantly counter jungles me and beats me. Every time. Granted this has happened only twice, but both times I was slaughtered in the same fashion. Here's a bit of info to describe my situations...

He always catches me at red buff, killing both me and stealing my buff. I know that this is because of a ward, because he uses Alpha Strike at exactly the right moment. So I plant a ward around my red and blue buffs (spending 150 gold, mind you) and hopefully catch him before he catches me. However, it's almost as if he KNOWS where I place my wards, because he avoids them at every turn. Killing me at the same buffs. Shutting me down before I even begin. I typically place wards by red in the bush directly north of the camp or behind the camp, but always they are avoided.

Please, let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do to shut down Yi. I always jungle Elise and Kha'Zix in ranked play, and each time it's a Yi that beats me. What's the best way to counter Yi? (And yes I know pink wards, but I'm looking for advice other than just ".... Pink ward?")