First of all, im new to Irelia. im not presumptuous, and im not saying i know her. this thread is to help me understand her more and improve :) your help is much appreciated.

So anyways i read a few guides and watced a few ranked games and i got mixed signales. I was able to gather up a few things about her. Many people rush Blade of the Ruined King while the rest rush Trinity Force ive seen some people getting Hextech Gunblade as a first item. im not new to the league, i know that when someone buys Wit's End first its because they are up against a Malphite. But im getting confused as to what her playstyle is.

which one gives you the most damage? and im not talking specific cases like botrk against Shen because hes an op tank. im talking all round best first item. what will get me through the laning phase best?