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Posted a Comment: Jul 31st, 2020
"Glad to help!! If you got any more questions feel free to ask here or in any of our YouTube videos 💙"
Posted a Comment: Jul 29th, 2020
"Hello my friend,
First of all thanks for your amazing support 💙 And glad to hear that you got such fun playing this MONSTER!!
So the build created with a way to make you have enough sustain to survive from early to late game through the combination of AP-HP-EFFECTS items!! Most of the times "
Posted a Comment: Jul 29th, 2020
"Great job my friend! Imagine that I created this build to give you insane win ratios as Solo Laner and you doing it as support while needing an ADC to fully carry the game that means you are an incredible player!!!
Enjoy your free wins while having fun 💙💙"
Posted a Comment: Jul 27th, 2020
"Of course it is my friend, I designed this build to work in any lane or role for all of us to have tons of fun while destroying them all!!!
Enjoy your Free Wins 🔥"
Posted a Comment: Jul 26th, 2020
"No problem my friend, glad to help you! If you got more questions and you see me not answering here, be sure to comment in any of our YouTube videos or join our discord, to reach you much faster 💙"
Posted a Comment: Jul 26th, 2020
"You can play with our Malphite build in any lane you want, even as jungler!
For example if you want to play as support, you will go for the same item order, with the only difference that you will start level with spell thief, into the 2 doran's ring cause of how the sup items works, they ar"