This is probably the first top facts for a "popular" top lane pick. I have been trying to get mostly fun unusually seen champions (I rarely see Yorick or Fiora, and Nautilus is mostly played as a jungler). However I will see Rivens top as my opponents in a good percentage of my games.

Champion Overview:
Riven is a melee carry (like Fiora), but is more along the lines of an AD caster (who autos in between her spells) she is manaless (meaning she only relies on cooldowns. Riven like Fiora and Poppy (No one carries as well as Poopy) is capable of carrying the game in her favor. She uses all physical damage has a really strong early as well as a really strong late. She can lane vs any champion in the game with her kit, having champions that are strong against her but they are not exactly "counters". Her skills have a weird feel to them the first time and will take a little getting used to.

Skills Overview:

Passive: Runic Blade-Riven's abilities charge her blade, causing her basic attacks to deal 5 / 5.59 / 6.18 / 6.76 / 7.35 / 7.94 / 8.53 / 9.12 / 9.7 / 10.29 / 10.88 / 11.47 / 12.06 / 12.64 / 13.23 / 13.82 / 14.41 / 15 (+100% of bonus attack damage) bonus physical damage. Riven's blade may be charged up to 3 times and expends one charge per attack.

A VERY STRONG PASSIVE. Almost as strong as like Poppys ALMOST. Its essentially a mini sheen proc after every skill. Management of these stacks so they don't go to waste will separate the good Rivens from the great Rivens.

Q: Broken Wings- Riven strikes out in front of her in a short line. This ability may be reactivated 2 additional times.
1st Use: Slashes forward, dealing 30/50/70/90/110 (+60% of bonus attack damage) physical damage to all units she comes in contact with.
2nd Use: Slashes forward, dealing 30/50/70/90/110 (+60% of bonus attack damage) physical damage to all units she comes in contact with.
3rd Use: Leaps into the air and slams the ground dealing 30/50/70/90/110 (+60% of bonus attack damage) physical damage and knocking nearby enemies away from the point of impact.
Cooldown 13 seconds

Stacks her passive very well. when you max this it does good damage. Gives small movement on each use, can use when running or chasing. Her third hit makes a shock wave that makes a small knock back (Like maokai's Q).
Note: If you flash right after after you click the 3rd Q You will jump forward from the flash and deal the AoE damage and knock effect usually surprising your enemies.

W: Ki Burst- Riven's sword emits a burst of runic energy that shocks nearby enemies, dealing 50/90/130/170/210 (+100% of bonus attack damage) physical damage and stunning them for 0.5 seconds. Cooldown 11/10/9/8/7 seconds

A good quick stun, valor+this+auto is your harass. Max this if you are fighting an enemy who wins trades typically like an Olaf. You can quick trade and use your Q to get away.

E: Valor- Riven does a quick dash in the direction of your cursor and becomes shielded, blocking up to 40/70/100/130/160 (+100% of bonus attack damage) incoming damage for 2.5 seconds. Cooldown 11/10/9/8/7 seconds

This is your artificial sustain, a no mana shield on a really short CD AND it scales off AD. This makes riven very dangerous as building AD will make you tankier as well. Vs an opponent who likes harassing or trades a lot harder than you get this early (and max first if its really bad).

R: Blade of the Exile- Riven's weapon surges with spiritual energy for 15 seconds, granting her 20% bonus attack damage, increased range on her damaging spells and attacks, and the ability to use Wind Slash once.
Wind Slash: Riven fires a shockwave that deals from 80/120/160 (+60% of bonus attack damage) to 240/360/480 (+180% of bonus attack damage) physical damage to all enemies hit, increasing based on how much health they are missing.
Cooldown 75/60/45 seconds

REALLY STRONG ULTY. Gives you bonus AD for use and an AoE garen execute. ALWAYS pop it before you do any kind of fighting it. It makes your damage skyrocket and is on low cd. With ignite and your combo you can usually drop someone from full to zero with your ult on. Use this when you get ganked or need to escape the extra amount on your sheild helps and if the enemy gets out of place (IE: Caitlyn flashes on you) you can just melt them.


Q-Auto-Q-Auto-Q-Auto-W-Auto- E away.

Ult before hand to go in for kill.


Gangplank (sheild parrleys and destroy.), Pantheon (shield his harass), Shen (shield and destroy), Wukong (your full commit is better.)

Teemo(f teemo), Trundle (steals AD and Armor -.-), Kayle (Strong poke and safe against you, she can ult against your ult.), Olaf (True damage cannon), Renekton (really strong in lane), and Kennen-(Cant touch him normally, he'll poke all day, if you do....)

Playing As/Vs:

- Auto in between Qs to efficiently use your passive.
- Use your ult whenever you fight
- When an enemy comes to harass stun and sheild away.
-You can kill enemies level one with Q and a dorans blade.
-Bait Rivens ult, rivens will typically ult if you fake a commitment, Once its down fight her for real.
-Get armor/ armor runes all rivens damage is physical.
-Riven likes to play harass and trade games do not let her.

Big Item Choices:
Doran's Blade- These make you VERY strong early game

Bloodthirster- Core item, most AD in game when stacked and lifesteal.

Last Whisper- You're all phys damage, penetrate their armor

Guardian Angel- 2 Lives are better than one

Maw of malmortious- Makes you stronger and more survivable at low hp.


Riven can carry soloQ games hard. She has a very good set of matchups so can be picked up early on if you do not have a team that wants to trade. If you abuse your early advantage you can easily gain a league and cause the enemy team to begin raging and go into confusion making you snowball even better. Riven is very capable of carrying games at all elo range.

Ranked 5s:

Riven is very good here as well. She is still a very good pick that can be gotten at any time. She works very well with ganks and teamplay. If you coordinate ganks early you can snowball ahead very far and carry your team to a win.

I hoped this helped you learn something about riven she is a very fun very strong snowball champion, she can carry games all day every day. She has been nerfed a few times since release but is still very strong and fun.

I plan on releasing these every day/other day until I get all of the top lane picks in the league if there are any requests leave in the comments below and ill work on them. I want to make this series for others to better understand the champions of top lane. Once I am done (Or once I have a few top facts out) I will release some Facts about top lane mechanics, eventually I will probably put everything into one generic top lane guide, however until I do that I will continue to watch and update my blogs as needed. Tips and tricks I missed under my Top Facts would be helpful if you put anything I don't have in the comments I will be sure to add it. Thank you and have a nice day:P