Champion Overview:

Kayle is a VERY UNDERESTIMATED top lane champion. She has been reincarnated over and over again with different passives. I believe as she is right now she is a very strong champion both in lane and throughout the game. As a champion with support abilities even if you do not do well in lane you can still be very useful to your team through your utility. Kayle can beat most of the FOTM champions right now and in the right hands can snowball and carry games.

Skills Overview:

Passive: Holy Fervor-Kayle's basic attacks against enemy champions now reduce their armor and magic resistance by 3% for 5 seconds (stacks up to 5 times)

Gives slight amount of pen. Main use of this passive will not come until the late game comes.And then its just like a malady or cleaver effect of reducing stats.

Q: Reckoning -Blasts a target, dealing 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+100% of bonus attack damage and +100% of ability power) magic damage and slowing its movement speed by 35% for 4 seconds. While the target is slowed, Kayle inflicts 6/7/8/9/10% increased damage to them. Cooldown 8 seconds. Cost 70/75/80/85/90 mana. Range 650

A really good ability to harass with, gives you a damage boost for a followup if you wish as well as slowing the enemies so they cannot trade back. The ratios on this are pretty good making building damage profitable).

W: Divine Blessing-Blesses an allied champion, healing them for 45/85/125/165/205 (+35% of ability power) health and increasing their movement speed by 15/17/19/21/23% for 2.5 seconds. Cooldown 15 seconds. Cost 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 mana. Range 1000

The heal on this can offer some sustain in lane, but it should not be spammed and it should mainly be used for the MS component. This skill is very good as it allows you to escape ganks easier, and it allows you to position yourself in fights.
NOTE: The range on this skill is fairly long, you can save allies with the ms boost if you correctly know the range of this skill.

E: Righteous Fury- Kayle's attacks strike at range. These attacks splash, dealing an additional magic damage to her target and nearby units take 20 / 25 / 30 / 35.5 / 40% of her attack damage plus magic damage. The total bonus damage is 20/30/40/50/60 base damage plus (+20% of ability power). Cooldown 16 seconds. Cost 45 mana

This skill is what makes kayle strong in lane. This skills damage level 1 is unmatched, and will destroy anyone stupid enough to try and fight it. Along with the range it essentially gives you a tiamat.
NOTE: The flame AoE does not bounce off towers.

R: Intervention- Bathes Kayle's target in a holy light, rendering them immune to all damage for 2 / 2.5 / 3 seconds. Cooldown 90seconds. Cost 100 / 75 / 50 mana. Range 1200

Low CD mini tryndamere ultimate in essence. Makes you unable to take damage. Very useful to use when the enemies start swarming a high priority target.
NOTE: Use this ult early as many of the enemies burn their skills early into the fight, also note you can snipe allies for the save with this ult.



Gives you the most damage.


Use your Q then immediately E and use your W for mobility. Use your R if they commit a fight.


Warwick (cant touch this), Gangplank ( When he Qs you Q-E and destroy), Nidalee (Poke her all day you can sustain to even if its only a little), Riven (Ult when she ults and make her combo do like nothing, you also have full zone potenital on her at all times Q her shield out and use your E to hit her.), and Mordekaiser(Zone from creeps).

Riven Matchup:

Jax (Strong champ can dodge you poke and has a gap closer to counter harass easily), Teemo (Your blind you cant see it but your losing.), Olaf (When he gets ult he will destroy you, try and zone him and get as far ahead of then as possible, his true damage trades are very strong.),and Pantheon ( He has a stronger trade then you and in general will win lane).

Playing As/Vs:

- Use your ult early in engages its low cd and serves its purpose better if used early.
- Watch your E and do not try and fight when its about to end/not up.
-Know the range on yours skills, both your utility team spells have a fairly long range.
-Harass early whenever possible.

-Do not let Kayle harass you early on.
-Force trades or zone when her E is on CD.
-Do not get baited to diving a Kayle unless it is immediately after she uses her ult its a very short cooldwon and may catch you off guard.

Big Item Choices:
Black Cleaver- Works decently with your shred, gives you AS and good damage.

Infinity Edge- Makes you strong in a fight.

Phantom Dancer- Gives you AS crit and MS very good for you.

Last Whisper- Armor Pen for when they stack armor

Bloodthirster - Sustain and damage

Special Case: Tiamat stacking- Aoe comps and works with your E.


Solo Q:
Good for kayle, you are versatile and can fill in for roles on your team. If your bot lane fails you are there as a backup. Teams will love you if you snipe save them with your skills. Pick later in the selection as kayle is easier to counterpick.

Ranked 5s:
Kayle is very strong with a coordinated team, You will have 2 AD carrys and can coordinate when to ult and other utility moves with your team. In this you will be able to get kayle as a later in pick and win lane easier. You respond to ganks decently by speeding up you jungler and slowing your enemy.

Kayle is a very strong underrated champion that in the right hands can carry her team to victory both directly and indirectly. I hope this helps youm to better understand one of the the leagues underestimated yet very strong champions.

I plan on releasing these every day/other day until I get all of the top lane picks in the league if there are any requests leave in the comments below and ill work on them. I want to make this series for others to better understand the champions of top lane. Once I am done (Or once I have a few top facts out) I will release some Facts about top lane mechanics, eventually I will probably put everything into one generic top lane guide, however until I do that I will continue to watch and update my blogs as needed. Tips and tricks I missed under my Top Facts would be helpful if you put anything I don't have in the comments I will be sure to add it. Thank you and have a nice day:P