Champion Overview:

Trundle is a tanky Dps champion who provides amazing zone control and has a various assortment of ways to buff himself and debuff the enemy. Trundle has a very strong disengage and works VERY WELL in poke comps. In lane trundle is strong against most champions who have to come within auto range.

Skills Overview:

King's Tribute(passive)- Whenever an enemy unit near Trundle dies, he heals for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 % of their maximum health.

This passive acts as a free source of sustain at all times while you are in lane by creeps dieing.

Chomp- Trundle enhances his next basic attack, dealing 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+ 100 / 105 / 110 / 115 / 120 % of total AD) physical damage and slowing its target by 75% for 0.1 seconds. This attack increases Trundle's attack damage by 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 for 8 seconds, with his opponent losing half of this amount for the same duration.

This skill is an AMAZING onhit. This skill will debuff the enemies AD as well as lend you a free BF sword FOR 8 SECONDS. This buffs duration outlasts the CD of the skill meaning in a fight you can keep this up permanently.

Frozen Kingdom- Trundle coats a target 1000-radius location with ice for 8 seconds, gaining 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 % bonus movement speed, 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 % attack speed, and 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20 % increased healing and regeneration from all sources while he is on it.

This skill is a strong AoE steroid area. The bonuses this skill will give you are really good but it is limited to the inside of the field. Using this skill will make you gain more sustain from your passive so you should use this as minions are dieing on turret.

Pillar of Ice- Trundle creates an icy pillar at a target location for 6 seconds, creating impassable terrain and slowing all enemy units by 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 % around the pillar. Enemies caught in the center of the eruption are briefly knocked back.

OMG THIS SKILL IS GOOD. This skill is a move that allows you to engage and disengage fights. This skill is very good for disrupting ganks and preventing enemies from escaping. The pillar can also be used to grant sight of an area for 6 seconds which allows you to use it to get sight of an objective or a brush before you walk in it.

Subjugate- Trundle drains 10 / 12 / 14 % (+ 2% per 100AP) of an enemy champion's max health as magic damage and 40% of their armor and magic resist, half immediately and half over 4 seconds. The armor and magic resist bonus/reduction lasts for 4 after it has been fully applied.

THIS NEW ULTIMATE IS AMAZING. The % heal is AMAZING for heal baits especially if you have your frozen kingdom out for the heal increase. The armor/mr steal allows you to duel pretty much any top lane champion straight up and be able to win.


Skill Order:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18



All in:



Strong Vs

Low mobility champions who need to go into close range to fight, champions who rely on their AD, or champions who are squishy (assassin types).
Weak Vs

high mobility champions, ranged champions, magic damage users.

Playing AS/VS:

  • Use your Pillar to disrupt the enemies lines in teamfights
  • Sit in your W while you have a potion on as it increases the healing.
  • Use your strong early game to your advantage and force fights
  • Never duel a trundle when he has his ultimate up.
  • Stacking defences will make trundle stronger as a tank.
  • Use poke and get early movespeed to keep trundle off of you.

Big Item Choices::

Blade of the Ruined King-Gives you sustain and sticking power

Frozen Mallet-Gives you health and sticking power

Sunfire Aegis-Adds damage to you early on

Warmog's Armor-Gives you alot of health.

Black Cleaver-Armor pen/HP/CDR

Last Whisper-A good damage boost



Trundle is a strong champion in soloQ as he has alot of early kill potential in lane with his kit.
Ranked 5s:

Trundle is good in ranked 5s as his kit is very good for disengaging and allowing his poke comps to work. Trundle also has ALOT of debuff potential for high priority targets.

Pros and Cons:


-good damage
-Good Sustain
-Good mobility
-ALOT of Free Stats


-Low sticking power
-No ranged


Trundle is a very sustained debuff heavy toplaner. His reworked allowed him to duel much better than he could before due to his ultimate change. His pilla is very useful if your team knows how to use it and make a plan revolved around it. As always summoners have fun and good luck on the fields of justice!