Posted a Comment: May 28th, 2013
GMD pissed or pleased?"
Posted a Comment: May 16th, 2013
"BloBBloB's Chop Chop
Bilgewater cutlass + Pickaxe
Total cost: 3600-ish
80 Attack Damage
Unique Passive: 15% Spell Vamp
Unique Active: Deals 100 magic damage (scales 100% of ad) and slows for 25% for 2 seconds. Cooldown: 90 sec. Range: 600 units.
Lord van damms pillager will b"
Posted a Comment: Apr 8th, 2013
For your inconvinience, it has been speculated that C is Twisted Fate, meaning the C meant "
Posted a Comment: Apr 8th, 2013
"I think you should add Sunfire Cape and banshee's veil to your item section. SfCape's passive works with magic pen that Elise capitalizes on. You also have very few magic resist options so I'd suggest hitting in Banshees.
You're slowly climbing... ;)"
Posted a Comment: Apr 8th, 2013
"I'm still quite sure Satella knows what he's talking about.
We all combo the way we think it works best, one can't do more other than putting up an example combo. There is no right in comboing."
Posted a Comment: Apr 8th, 2013
"I thought Merc. Scim. would be good vs WW, Malzahar and the like. Would atleast be a situational item. Seeing as even though MoM is cheaper, Merc. gives better stats.
Thanks for the reply to you aswell :)"
Posted a Comment: Apr 5th, 2013
"I belive this guide to be lacking some items. RANDUIN'S OMEN and mercurial scimitar for instance.
Your opinion on that?"
Posted a Comment: Apr 2nd, 2013
"I'd definately say Kayle. Great champ in soloq as you can save your friends aswell as getting fed as fuck and stomping everyone. She's also quite easy to learn."