I like playing top, not against ranged matchups but I like the lane. And to all you Teemo mains: please die. There are some common mistakes that I see in low elo and when I play Renekton, Sejuani or Mundo I can easily take advantage of these. This may be for a majority of reasons but I am here with 15 tips to become better as a top laner.

1. Have enough picks - For every role this tip applies, because it is so true. It is OK to one-trick a champion, yet it is also very good to have multiple available picks for countering or if one gets banned. In the top lane you usually want to play a counter to the enemy.

2. Understand playstyles - If you are playing someone like Renekton you want to look for trades after level 3, yet if you are playing nasus you usually want to farm up and scale in the late game. Knowing your own and the enemy's playstyles will help you understand the matchup.

3. Warding - Know where to ward and also utilise Control wards. Try and locate the jungler on their route also as this will allow you to know how to play in the lane. You want to be warding in the tri-bush and the river bush to make sure you don't get affected too much by enemy jungle pressure.

4. Items - Know how to adapt your build depending on the matchup. For example with boots, you typically want to be building in reply to the type of damage your enemy does.

5. Have a plan - This is essential for every role and it is so key. Many low elo players don't have one when they head into the laning phase but it is key to know what you want to be doing and knowing what you need to do to achieve your goal and to ultimately win the game.

6. Way back to lane - After leashing you need to be careful as you head back to lane. This time period is a very easy time for your enemy to trade with you so stay safe on your return to lane. Ive got so many positive early trades by sitting in the river brush.

7. Duelling - When trading and duelling in the river make sure you can come out on top.

8. Starting items - understand what starting items achieve your gameplan. For example: if you want a safe laning phase take dorans shield; and if you want to be aggressive in the laning phase take a dorans blade.

9. Teamfighting - In a teamfight you will either be absorbing damage or trying to get to the backline. If playing a tank you want to be distracting the attention of the enemy, if playing a bruiser you want to get to the backline and kill them.

10. Roaming - If you are in a position to roam to the mid lane then I always suggest you do so. You want to help out as many lanes as you can and not lose that much in return.

11. Analyse your mistakes - It might not seem your fault but there is always something you could have done better. Ask yourself what you did wrong?

12. Know the meta - Use the champions who can win you the game and know how to counter the meta.

13. Analyse enemies - Know who you will have to kill in the game and know how you can do it. If you are playing sejuani against a Syndra who will be dealing the majority of the enemy teams damage, then you want to be looking to kill her and shut her down.

14. Farming - make sure you CS properly and gain as much gold as possible. Lots of people I see miss tons of easy CS.

15. Objectives - when getting objectives like the baron, you either want ti tank it or distract enemies away from it.

Thank you for reading, I have some guides and blogs to help you guys out if you want to check them out.