I'm watching LCS right now so this is gonna be a short post. It's anime series review day and I chose Mirai Nikki (Future Diary), an anime I'm probably never gonna watch. Why you ask?

The story is too complicated:
I've read what it's about and how it develops and in my opinion it's way too complex for someone like me. I prefer simpler animes that aren't too confusing.

The main female character:
She's a Yandere and I'm not a big fan of Yanderes. The only yandere-ish character that I like is Ayase from Oreimo (and she's not exactly a yandere either). In my opinion, yanderes are creepy.

The gore:
I'm not a big fan of gore either. I just don't like animes that are full of killing, blood and murder. Not my thing. The only gory anime that I like is Attack on Titan.

When I add those things together the only thing I get is an anime that I won't like. Mirai Nikki is just not my type of anime. I'm not saying it's bad. Maybe it is good. Still, even if it is good it's not an anime that I would enjoy.

Thanks for reading! Time to get back to watching the LCS greatness! =D