I've been pretty inactive on Moba these days. Got some news for anyone who was reading my Blog Posts (hopefully there are some of you that read them often).

First of all, I've decided to stop writing guides. I like doing it and it's a great way to help people but I've realized that I'm way better at reviewing guides than I am at making them. So I'll be archiving my Syndra Guide. I'll leave my Kat guide cause it's pretty big and it has a lot of views. Don't wanna say goodbye to it :P. However I probably won't update it. Or I might give it a huge update and leave it until any major changes are done on Kat. We'll see.

Second, I'll try and think of new ways to be helpful to people. My Guide Reviewing Shop is great but I feel like it's not enough. I'm sure I can think of new ways to help out around here :P

Third, I'm sorry I still haven't done some reviews for people. If any of you guys waiting on reviews are reading this then I apologize for being so late. I wasn't in the mood to review at all. Sorry :/

And finally, I've been playing ranked a lot lately. Right now I'm in Silver I. Found a very good Duo Q buddy so if all goes well I should make it to Gold soon! Gotta pass a friend of mine before Season 3 ends. We made a bet and I owe him 5 bucks if I don't pass him :P

Anyways thanks for reading and if you read all of it here's some boobs!


Cya :P