Today we'll take a quick look at Trundle, a champion I don't really like playing.

Why is Trundle boring for you?:
Because he's a Tryndamere with a bat. You mostly just auto-attack with him. I don't like Tryndamere because all you do while playing him is right-click. It's pretty much the same with Trundle.

Despite not playing him, do you think he's strong?:
Definitely. He's a pretty good top laner in the current meta because he's a good counter for tanks like Mundo.

What would you give Trundle in order to make him more fun?:
I would replace his W with something more interesting. Most Trundles go for Blade of the Ruined King so you would be fine even without the W. Not saying his W is weak though. It's good but it's also a boring skill. His pillar is essential for his kit and it is his signature move so it can't really be replaced with anything. Same with his Q and his Ulti.

How long do you think Trundle will be popular?:
As long as Top Lane tanks remain priority picks Trundle will remain a priority pick as well. If the top lane tanks fall off I can see Trundle falling out of favor as well.

Thanks for reading. Now it's time to watch the LCS! =D