Today we'll take a look at Lulu. EdisonKhoo suggested that I do Lulu and I figured I'd do it since she's so popular atm.

Why do you think she's being played so much?:
Probably because she's really safe and because her damage is very surprising. She scales really well into late game and she clears waves quickly as well.

Is she fun in your opinion?:
Definitely! You basically run around with 100k move speed on her, E someone and Q him over and over. You're basically a support for your team and a pest for the enemy team.

What does the future hold for Lulu in your opinion?:
If Riot doesn't nerf her AP ratios or base damages or if they don't buff any of the other mids really hard then I think she'll remain a strong pick for a long time.

Sorry about the really short post. Watching LCS atm! Thanks for reading though =D