Before we begin, this is not a whine post where I complain about my losses and blame teammates. This is just me voicing my opinion on the trending picks in Ranked.

Now, is it just me or has champion select in ranked been extra annoying lately? Every single game I either have a Renekton who loses his lane in the early game and goes 1/5 (and builds only damage) or a Jungle Rengar/Eve/Lee Sin that manages to get a few kills early game and is useless for the rest of the game. Why are these picks a problem you ask? Because people don't seem to understand the scaling/power levels of these champs.

Lee Sin and Renekton are obviously early game champions. If players can't win their lanes and/or make plays with these champions early in the game, why bother picking them? It just makes no sense.

And the Rengar pick..oh boy..the Rengar pick. One of the reasons why I think it's acceptable to hate the LCS is because of the things they bring into it. Just in-case some of you aren't aware, in LCS they have been playing Jungle Rengar a lot recently. It hasn't had much success and guess what, it's probably worse in Solo Queue. I don't know how well Jungle Rengars perform in Diamond but as for Plat, every Jungle Rengar I've had has been alright early game and really bad late game. I just hate the pick so much. Why bother picking Rengar in the jungle if you can just pick a normal jungler like Elise, Lee Sin, Jarvan, Evelynn, etc. If you ask me, the people who play Jungle Rengar are nothing but bloodthirsty killers who only think about kills instead of objectives like Towers, Dragons, etc. It's just a stupid pick in my opinion and Rengar himself doesn't provide everything you need in a jungler. Basically, Jungle Rengar is yet another cheese pick and I can't wait until they nerf him or something cause I can barely stand him anymore. be's not the champ's fault..I just hate the way people play him I guess? Cheese the enemy team and try to kill them a lot or fail and be useless the entire game if you don't get ahead. I really hate strategies like these.

Oh and since I'm a support main now, I'd like to talk a little bit about support variety. Right now, the main 3 picks in ranked are Braum, Morgana and Nami. Usually it's Braum > Morgana > Nami. Thresh is still picked of course but those are the main 3 picks. That's kinda bad if you ask me. A lot of supports used to be good all around and you could play whichever support you wanted to but since these 4 picks are so good, it's always the safer bet to just go with one of them. The other supports need some kind of a buff if they want to see more play and I hope Riot does that. Alistar got some cool changes recently so we might see him being played real soon.


Anyways, thanks for reading guys! Sorry if the post sounded kinda rant-ish haha.