Okay so my next guide is most likely gonna be on Fizz one of my favorite AP Mids or Support Nunu who I sometimes play but he's not really one of my favorites. I don't know who to go with. I mean Fizz would be the logical choice cause I like him more and I've played him more but it'll take me a lot more time to make a guide on him than it would on Support Nunu. And also..believe it or not Support Nunu is played more simply because there are a ton of choices for Mid Lane but there aren't a lot of supports and people can't be picky when supporting. So that's why in general Support Nunu is played more. But enough talking..let's list out the pros and cons of both suggestions:

Fizz Guide

- I have more knowledge on him
- I like him more and it would be more fun to make a guide for him

- Support Nunu is played more than him
- It will take me a lot more time to make a guide on him than it would on Support Nunu

Support Nunu Guide

- The guide would be easier to make and I'll finish it faster than a Fizz Guide
- More popular and doesn't require a lot of explanation

- It would be less fun for me
- I don't have as much knowledge on him as I do on Fizz so the guide won't be as good as a Fizz Guide

So those are the pros and cons. What do you guys think I should do? Should I go for the Fizz guide or the Support Nunu guide? Thanks in advance to anyone who replies and helps me out. Thanks for reading!