I start a game. I'm playing against Akali top as Lee Sin. I get ganked at level 1 but I escape somehow. Then I start getting constantly ganked by either their Jungle Alistar or their Cassi (and no our Mord didn't call his mia). Finally I get pissed off cause Rengar doesn't gank and I told him he doesn't so he tells me I suck against Akali. Next thing I know Blitz also butts in and tells me I suck (without even seeing how much I got camped at top).

So I said screw it and I just started farming everything I see and my pro teammates decided to just randomly start a team fight and when they all died who did they blame? Me of course. Funny thing is that despite getting camped so much I only gave Akali 1 kill but at the end of the game she was still like 7/2 or even more.

Thank you for reading about the league related everyday things that happen in my League games.

P.S - Riot..please fix your report system..your current one isn't helping much. Thanks! (jk Riot would never read this lol..but what I said is true..it doesn't help at all)