Here are some questions. You guys (me included) should just try and predict the answers. Try and save this page to your bookmarks so that you'll know when you've made a right prediction:

1. When will I reach my desired ELO?
2. When will I own all champions?
3. Will I become a pro? If so when?
4. When will I stop playing League?

Sorry can't come up with more questions but if you have any post them in the comments and I'll add them! Now for my predictions.

1. Perhaps sometime around this year or maybe early next year.
2. At the pace I'm currently earning IP maybe next year.
3. Most likely never. The chances are very very slim. Truth is I'm not that smart to just magically become a pro so if I ever do become one it's not gonna be in the next few years.
4. Mmm..very hard question...probably in the next 3 to 7 years? Dunno. We'll see.

Go ahead and make your predictions. I'll read them all. Promise! ^^