So I forgot to make a post yesterday. My bad xD I'm still getting used to this schedule thingy. Anyways, I'll just combine yesterda's post with today's post.

Last week, I played like 3 ranked matches and several ARAMs/Normals. The first ranked game I played as Mundo vs Renekton and I'd say I played fairly well with the exception of one mess-up. I beat him in cs and didn't die once in lane (and during the whole game). Was a pretty good game. Second one, I played as Leona and our team had Vayne, Top Lane Panth and Jungle Yi with teleport. Despite the really cheesy team we actually won. It was a 34 minute game and in total there were almost 80 kill. Not my kind of game but we still won so it's cool. Third game, I played with Top Lane Shyvana. I did semi-alright but we had a Nidalee who either afk-ed or dc-ed. We lost but I didn't lose any points because it was a Loss Prevented. In total I won 53 points. Ranked is looking good for now despite my louse placement matches. Hopefully back in Plat within the next few months!

As for LCS, I didn't watch much of the EU LCS but Gambit pulling off a win with 4 subs was impressive. I still don't get why Fnatic keep losing but they're gonna have to fix their issues if they wanna take 1st or 2nd. For NA LCS, I was really surprised Coast beat TSM. They played the early game well but I also think TSM played the early game really bad. Dyrus and Bjerg got caught a few times and gave free kills. OddOne did a really dumb thing just by picking Pantheon. In my opinion, Pantheon and Wukong just aren't his type of champions. I don't like it when he picks them. Still, the first blood OddOne gave was a really foolish mistake by him. Hopefully, he won't make a mistake like that again anytime soon. Bot Lane for TSM did alright in that game but it wasn't enough. Coast were sloppy mid to late game and TSM could have won the game after winning several team fights in a row but they went for Baron and that's what cost them the game. I actually hit my table really hard when Shipthur's last auto-attack landed on the Nexus and I nearly broke my new mouse. Good thing I didn't hit it. As for the other games, CLG were impressive this week as well. I just hope they won't start losing to the bottom teams again. XDG continue to be a disappointment this season. In my opinion, they're gonna get relegated for sure and if they face's over. Time will tell what happens.

Thank you for reading! =D