Well as the title of the blog post says I took part in a 1v1 tournament. The tournament consisted of 128 participants. The matches were at Top Lane. No jungling was allowed (duh) and every match was a Bo1 (only the finals were a Bo3). I'll get into detail with all of my matches in this blog post so enjoy and hopefully you'll read everything (plz do :3)

Match 1 - The guy was AFK..sadly..so I won by default.

Match 2 - Same thing. At that point I was like "I wanna play already! OMFG!"

Match 3 - This time the guy wasn't AFK (thank god). He played Talon and went with Flash and Ignite. I was playing my classic troll-ish Magic Pen Mundo with Barrier and Ignite. The idea behind that is to harass from afar with Q's (they do a lot of damage with magic pen) and force the opponent out of lane or kill him if he stays while low. If he leaves lane you just push his tower. You max only Q and E and thanks to E's bonus AD you push towers really fast. Your Ultimate helps with sustain. Onto the match. I was harassing him hard with Q's. I hit like..75% of them? Eventually at level 5 he was very low and I just jumped on him with Q, E, Ignite and Barrier. Don't wanna disrespect the guy but it was a pretty easy win :P

Match 4 - This one was actually quite hard. I played my Magic Pen Mundo again against Darius. He also used Barrier and Ignite. Throughout most of the match he had the advantage but my Ultimate kept me in lane for long enough and he eventually ran out of mana. When he did I just went for the kill since I had my Ignite and my Barrier (and he only had Barrier) and it was an easy kill.

Match 5 - In this one I learned one important thing. Magic Pen Mundo doesn't work against diamond players. I played against Samarov. He's somewhat known and is a really good player. I could have probably put up a better fight if I had played something normal but I didn't and he destroyed me. Oh well..next time I won't use my Magic Pen Mundo against Diamond players lol.

Despite losing at Round 5 I placed 8th out of 128 participants. I'd say I did pretty damn good (I was kinda trolling after all). Last tournament I placed in the Top 30 so this is an improvement.

Anyways thanks for reading and if you read all of it much love from me <3 :3

Linky - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0zs7ix7Th4 (A video of Protatomonster's Top 5 plays in which Samarov placed 1st)