I'm going to bed but before I do I'll make this post about my Jungle Rumble game. I've always considered trying out Rumble out as a Jungler and today I checked out the Jungle section on Zakkers' Rumble guide on solomid.net (you can find his guide by clicking here also thanks for making the section Mr.Zakkers) and I decided to give it a shot.

I got in-game and I did kinda okay. We did win but I noticed several things about Jungle Rumble:

- His jungle clear isn't very strong
- Early on he has no sustain other than potions
- His E does provide a nice slow but the good thing about it is that if you miss it once you can use it a 2nd time which is pretty neat
- Since your shield is weak early on without any ranks put into it you'll actually take a lot more damage than you might think from the Jungle mobs
- Jungle Clear improves if you keep spaming your skills and overheating yourself to trigger your passive but if you get counter jungled while you're silenced you might die horribly

So yeah those are the things I noticed about Jungle Rumble. I probably won't be playing him much but I might give him another chance. He has a lot of cons and I wouldn't play him when I'm serious but if I'm playing for fun I might pick him up. Thanks for reading and bye!