This is a sad day for ranked :c (at least for me). Lost 2 games out of the 2 that I played (which is why I won't play anymore today).

First game..well I don't have much to say about it..just look at this picture and be amazed by our team's super mega secret explosive legendary amazing Garen and by our strong team..Corki and I were the only ones trying to do something (although Corki was spamming and talking in chat just as much as the rest of my teammates):

The second game we could have won that one but whenever I jumped on their carries (I was playing Jungle Jarvan) our carries would focus their Shyvana. The sad thing was they had a troll bot lane (double ADC) and their Graves was trolling hard (for example using ulti to farm). Oh and we had a Fizz top who fed their Fiddle Top.

Sad say day for ranked :c hopefully tomorrow will be better.