Been trying to play a lot of ranked since I want to distract myself and I actually got 7 wins in a row yesterday and 1 loss. Skipped a division as well. From Gold V to Gold III and I'm currently in my promos for Gold II with 1 loss. I'd say I did okay in all of the games for the most part. There were some mess-ups but they weren't huge or game breaking or anything. In 1 of the games my internet was unstable and I dc-ed like 3 times. The Riven I played against (as Shyvana) had a big cs lead on me but I just built full tank and just initiated/tanked for my team and they did the rest.

Right now, I'm trying to adopt the second way of playing Shyvana. Usually, I would just build some tanky items and get an early Blade of the Ruined King just so I can chase and kill carries. But you could also play more of an initiator/tank role where you just rush only tank items and start fights or protect your carries. Still not sure which path or playstyle I like more but I really wanna learn when to go with the more carry-ish path and when to go with the tanky initiating path. You can never fully rely on people in Solo Queue because if you choose the tanky path and your teammates mess up and get caught or something, you'll be in trouble.

Oh and one final thing, if you're a player who is looking to improve, don't be like me and practice your last hitting. This season my last hitting is so ****py. I guess it's cause I'm paying more attention to my lane opponent and the enemy jungler now. In the past, I used to just ignore them for the most part and I focused on farming. And believe it or not, even though I've had my new mouse for some months now I'm still not used to it o.O ...

Well, thanks for reading!