I spent like 8 hours today working on my guide. I spent an extra half hour reading the guide and correcting any mistakes I made. The guide is ready. Just waiting on guide graphics. I ordered some in TinyStar's shop so once those are ready and I add them the guide will be released.

So tired right now cause after I was done with the guide I played some league games to get my first win of the day and in my first game (it was first game of the day as well) this tryhard Akali I played against with Riven gave me First Blood then kept being aggressive and didn't learn anything and gave me 2 more kills. Then she and Shaco gave me a double kill. Then she and Talon switched and Talon and Shaco gave me a 2nd double kill. After that Talon gave me a few more kills but all of a sudden our Malzahar fed the 0/4 Akali..../facepalm...and then when I went mid and told him to go farm at top he just stood there at mid for a few minutes and went top once the lane was pushed already and the tower was destroyed (our tower). Our Nunu placed like 1 or 2 wards the whole game and Cait provided more vision than him with her traps. We ended up losing the game because honestly it was entirely a 3v5. Malzahar and Nunu were absolutely useless.

So you can imagine how tired I am after working for so long on the guide and having a game like that lol.

Thanks for reading! :D