For me it's definitely Varus. Although if we go beyond just one champion, I'd say any immobile AD Carry that is strong early but weak late game.

Varus is just so awful in my opinion. And here's my reasoning. What are the main reasons why the pro players started picking him?

-Good early game
-Great power spike with Rageblade
-Good poke and solid DPS if left untouched

Let me go over why those three reasons are invalid.

First of all his early game. Okay he has a good early game. So what? Most of the time when I see a Varus, he's unable to capitalize on his early game. And even if he does, if his team is unable to win the game quick enough, if the other team has a scaling AD Carry, the game is over once that scaling AD gets his items. Literally the only time when this isn't applicable is when the team playing against Varus has an early game champion too like Kalista or Draven. So yeah basically in my opinion his so called "great" early game isn't worth picking him. Game are often not decided fast enough for his early game to matter. And it's not that "great" of an early game. It's not like he destroys any other AD Carry with ease. It's just a solid early game.

Next up is his power spike with Rageblade. Similarly to the early game point I made, the Rageblade spike isn't that significant enough to make up for his lack of mobility and his lackluster late game. I've seen so many Varus players both in competitive and in solo queue that get Rageblade and then they win lane but it doesn't translate into a game win. So yeah his power spike is heavily overrated imo.

And finally his DPS if left untouched. Do you know how many games there will be where an immobile carry (such as Varus) is left untouched in today's meta that involves high mobility and high engage champions (like Fiora, Camille, Ornn, etc)? Probably 1 in a 100. This is the single biggest BS excuse I've heard for picking Varus. "Oh but he does so much damage if left untouched!". Helloooo? No one's gonna let you deal free DPS. Even Gold players aren't that horrible at punishing immobile champions. This is ESPECIALLY true in competitive games. That's why I think Varus SUCKS for competitive games. His DPS just isn't good enough later on and he lacks the mobility to justify picking him.

In Solo Queue games you could MAYBE justify picking him because if you're really good at him, you can make use of his early game and power spike to snowball games. And even if it gets to late game, people in lower tiers aren't always good enough to punish his lack of mobility. But if you are playing against someone competent, the pick is just bad imo. I just really hate the pick and I find it useless in most scenarios.

Sorry if this it seem like I'm ranting lol. I'm not but I did want to get my point across that I really hate the Varus pick :P

So what's the one pick that you hate seeing or playing with (on your team)? In both competitive and solo queue. Let me know in the comments!