Warning..this might be a long blog post so if you don't want to I advise you not to read. I'll give a TL;DR at the end for those that are too lazy :P

So lately League has been a bi**h to me. Had a lot of losses recently, got bored with League cause I've been playing it for so long now and it gets boring when you play with 5 year olds all the time, didn't have the guts to play ranked games even when I wanted to which is bad cause you shouldn't be afraid to play ranked cause you won't win all the time and finally I started playing like 2-3 games per day which isn't much considering I used to play at least 5 games a day.

I've also been having some problems irl but I won't get into them too much. Mostly at school and with a certain someone. So that combined with the stress I get while playing League made me even more stressed out and more annoying for the people I talk to every day.

However all of that is gonna change today. I was watching Naruto Shippuuden yesterday and while watching it there was this scene where a girl told Naruto (main character) to not give up because he was fighting this monster. Anyways that episode reminded me of when I first started playing ranked games back in Season 2 (didn't play any in S1 cause I was still a noob back then). When I started doing ranked games I told myself that I'd do my best, never stop believing in myself and I wouldn't give up.

So yeah I've decided not to quit League. Just gonna take a break which doesn't mean I won't play. I'll still do 1 to 3 games a day just so I can stay in shape and maintain my IP income but other than that I'll try not to play too much and just relax. Once I'm all good and I get my fighting spirit back I'll start doing ranked games and such. I did make a bet with this friend of mine that I'd have more ELO at the end of S3 so I'm gonna try my best not to lose :P

To all of you out there that want to get good or even better than you already are at this game I will say this. I've seen Gbay99's videos (he's from YouTube) and in one of them he said you should be playing to get better and not just to win and that's how you'll improve. That is true but I don't think it's the most important thing. In my opinion the most important thing is to believe in yourself and never give up. If you do that even if you don't accomplish your goal in League you'll still know that you never gave up and did your absolute best to achieve those goals. I know I sometimes bi**h about stuff that is pointless to bi**h about and I'm not denying that but I've never stopped believing that I can accomplish my goals in League. If I actually stopped believing and just gave up I would have rage quit League long ago. So yeah if you guys really wanna get better at this game always play to win and get better but remember that you won't win all the time and you might lose a lot sometimes but if you just give up without trying and doing your best you'll just let yourself down. The power to believe in yourself is all you need! :)

Thanks for reading. I probably forgot something I wanted to write but meh..too late now. If you actually read all of this you have my gratitude for that!

TL;DR - Not gonna quit League. Just taking a break. If you wanna get better at this game never give up and never stop believing in yourself! Peace!

P.S - Dunno why I like writing such huge texts lol..w/e xD btw do you guys like the pink color? It is a bit girly yes but it's quite pleasing to read in that color. If you guys don't like it I guess I'll change it but I hope you do cause I like it.