While I was sifting through the Trundle guides I couldn't seem to find any ones that...well...satisfied. So I might make my own...but because of my not so extensive knowledge and possibility that the one I make will be extremely bad...I decided to make one here first before going all out. So please. Feel free to read and critique. DON'T CRITICIZE FOR NO REASON.


Trundle, the Troll King.

Picking :

Don't pick Trundle just because you want to. Realize that he is used as an anti-tank and that if the other team has no tank then he can be a little useless.
Is he first pick worthy? In a sense, yes he is. Picking him first means that the other teams top lane options are now limited. However, if you first pick him then that means the other team can easily counter pick him as well. Picks such as Kennen and Jayce can easily outpoke him and since they don't build tanky stats then his Subjugate is rendered nearly useless in lane.
Trundle in my opinion seems to be the best answer to the current top laners in this meta. With this top lane meta mainly shifting towards tanky bruisers, Trundle is the perfect counter. His ulimate, Subjugate simply melts the tank stats off of the tank and gives them to you for a low price of 75 mana.

-Anti Tank
-Great Duelist post 6
-Good sustain due to King's Tribute and Frozen Domain
-Can split push and team fight well
-Press R to win
- Subjugate has a low CD
-Best Dance in game
-Can DESTROY towers

-Can get bullied in lane pre 6
-Mana relient/Mana hungry at times
-Miss R and lose
-Item dependant
-Can be seen as a troll pick (see what I did there?)
-Easily outpoked


Passive: King's Tribute

What it does

A great flippin passive. With a range of 1000, whenever ANY enemy unit dies (neutral monsters too such as Double golems ) you heal for a certain percent of your maximum health. You don't even need to last hit the minions. Just as long as they die around you, you will heal. Minions are just piles of health.

Q: Chomp

What it does

Your main source of damage. Actually...it's practically your only source of damage besides autos. This will help you to last hit with use of its active as well as after it is used since it increases your AD (20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 per level). Feel free to trade and harass with this as well as it will cause your opponent to lose some AD. Don't spam the ability too much early as it will cause you to go manaless...and that's not good.

W: Frozen Domain

What it does

This is basically an AOE steroid for you. You get movement speed, attack speed, and more healing regen from just standing on it. Use this to engage, disengage, push waves, crush turrets, and when you need to sustain. Don't spam this ability either as it can be used to escape ganks.

E: Pillar of Ice

What it does

This can make or break a Trundle player. A well placed Pillar of Ice in the middle of the team fight could help swing the favor over to your side. It also helps out with ganks. It can be of use whether you are escaping or engaging. Remember that it has a relatively long cooldown (23 / 20 / 17 / 14 / 11) so use it wisely. It also grants vision when used in the fog of war.
There have been sayings that it does interesting things like it does 1 true damage and that you can get out of Cataclysm with it. (Still testing these things out)

R: Subjugate

What it does

This is what makes Trundle such a strong dueler and anti tank. Once you hit 6 you are officially a threat to any tank on the opponent team. You want to use this at the beginning of a duel or team fight because it drains the stats over time and not instantly. Once the draining of the stats starts then feel free to start wailing away at them, with some caution of course. Make sure to aim well with this skill. If you miss then it could cost you a team fight. Remember that if you die while your are still draining stats, it will stop draining and the stats will return to the original owner.

If I missed anything or something is wrong...comment below and I shall add.

Runes, Masteries, and Items next. (Maybe...depending on what people say)