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Asked a Question: Jan 17th, 2014
Since the animation changed from the default, it seems to be a bit slower as from when the projectile starts. Has anyone else noticed? I find it just the slightest bit harder to farm in this skin...
Asked a Question: Jan 12th, 2014
One problem I've noticed is that people in 'lower' elo seem to simply give up their advantage. Suppose a tristana gets fed from the enemy laner. 5 kills? (this is very common for me >.>)...
Posted a Comment: Jan 11th, 2014
"Isn't solwolf in gold/plat?"
Asked a Question: Jan 11th, 2014
Void staff will start to do more damage based on the enemy's magic resist, so it's a better item late game.
Not by me, but an example of some...
Asked a Question: Jan 9th, 2014
I was just wondering if this was viable, one of my friends told me about it and it seemed to go well.
+ CC for ganking!
+ Snare to reduce damage
+ Shield to reduce damage
+ passive+E=quick...
Posted a Comment: Jan 9th, 2014
"Hitboxes stay the same.
- Steel Legion Lux's Q/E can be harder to see
- Prestigious Leblanc just turned smaller than a yordle "
Asked a Question: Jan 3rd, 2014
Teemo support.. Didn't do much damage and sort of was bad so I can't really say anything about it but it didn't go well for them. (fed me as cait)
Asked a Question: Jan 3rd, 2014
Since the meta is shifting towards having non-conventional supports be pretty much mages, (Annie is the most mentionable) could Ahri fit this role? She gets a good amount of gold with her strong...
Asked a Question: Dec 30th, 2013
I do realize that currently MF is played as an adc, but wouldn't it be more beneficial to play AP?
She scales off AP on her W, E and R, while AD only scales on her Q and R. Playing her in the...
Asked a Question: Dec 14th, 2013
Since his Q 'counts as a basic attack' (-champ spotlight), will doran's shield block the 8 damage off of it?