6 month-old ban chart
Everybody hates Shen. Everyone. I, personally, don't understand this, but hey- if you're too lazy to counter him, have fun dealing with Darius or Orianna someone else you didn't ban!!
Well, ok maybe he is kinda annoying to fight. Well, really annoying. Especially when you use a no-smite jungle Shen (build coming soon). But whenever I do this, nobody understands *how,* and since my build is yet to be published, I'll give you some tips here.

Step One: Check your info during champion selection

Knowing your team before the game starts helps. Look at the "Your Team" at the top. Depending on the color of the tinge (Blue or purple) your job will be easier or harder. Also, check to see WHO your mid is. Champions such as Evelynn or Ahri who are amazingly mana-intensive (especially early) benefit from blue-buff. But if you have an Akali or maybe a Vladimir mid (or some other trollsy no-mana champ), then look at the lane closest to your blue-buff, and tell them to go to blue immediately after you have gotten red (or wolves, depending on your jungle style). You're now ready to START the game, make sure you have Flash Exhaust or maybe even Teleport and LOCK IN.

Step Two: Make sure you have a hell of a lot of pots

Starting Hunter's Machete and 5 Health Potion is a REALLY smart idea. Proceed to your bush by wraiths and ping for your bot to wait at the curvy bush by red and have your mid stand next to you/near river (depending on how cocky you are. If you're terrified of ganks, the river is a smart idea). The MOMENT your wraiths spawn, chuck in your Vorpal Blade at the largest one and proceed to aa it. (Your mid should be helping you with this spot.) Burn a couple pots (1-2 depending on how much damage you took) and run as fast as you can over to red. Have your mid and other lane damage it and run off (If you're able to get a heal from your support, all the better.)

Step Three: Enjoy!

After getting red, you should be level two. Get your Feint so you don't get wiped out and happy jungling! I recommend giving your mid (or other lane) blue immediately after you get red, it helps in the long run and since everyone is level 1/2 they can't push turret and take it out in 2 hits. NOTE- Get your Shadow Dash level 3 or 4 (depending on if your lanes need ganks) and don't forget to help your team ward! They'll love you for it :)

Comment below if you have any tips, I'll integrate them into my playing and see how well they work for nubs like me!!