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Posted a Comment: Apr 20th, 2012
"I don't understand how is it possible to write a guide about a champion that has just been released in the past week.
Did you already played more than 100 games as Hecarim ?"
Posted a Comment: Apr 20th, 2012
"I don't understand how is it possible to write a guide about a champion that has just been released in the past week.
Did you already played more than 100 games as Hecarim ?"
Posted a Comment: Apr 18th, 2012
"Messy but really in-depth guide. I like this.
. I dont understand the choice on the Movemenet Speed Runes/Mast, I should try it someday.
. In the "Item Reference" why did you noticed Banshee's Veil and Rod of Ages ?
. Lots of pictures, colors and all, I like the overall &quo"
Posted a Comment: Apr 18th, 2012
"I wanted to PM my answer but as the guide is good I'll simply upvote it here.
. You could make clearer and simpler guide sections
. Lots of typos/text errors
. Seal of Resilience middle ? no.
. You're saying Kassadin, Fizz and Leblanc are really hard to beat but I think you pla"
Posted a Comment: Apr 18th, 2012
"As I read the whole guide I reconsider my vote.
Even if there are some arguable item choices this guide is really a good base to start with or to improve our Leblanc experience.
I'll not reccomand buying Abyssal Scepter in everygame but it's a matter of playstyle preference.
Posted a Comment: Apr 18th, 2012
I agree it can be one of the solution to increase Leblanc's endgame.
Posted a Comment: Apr 17th, 2012
"Regarding the number of comments about Deathfire Grasp I'll talk more about it in the guide."