I had a pretty funny game today. It started off by me queing up with 4 of my friends and we wanted to do something trolly in normals. The Rumble on my team called top but my other friend, the Rammus, insta-locked and called top. I already locked in Thresh so I decided to go ADC. I forgot to swap out my masteries, so I had AD runes and support masteries. The Rammus and I decided to bot against a Blitzcrank/ Ashe and we pretty much dominated them all game.

We then decided to go mid just to **** around and kill people, but what happened next was pretty hilarious. The Ashe arrows my friend playing Elise and three of them storm out of the mid bush to gank us. We immediately turn and start to fight. I get a triple kill with the help of Elise living with just around 500-600hp and out of nowhere the Kat and Morde come. I manage to kill both of them and barely live because of a clutch Rammus taunt stopping the Kat ult. So yeah, that is how I got a penta-kill playing Thresh, lol.

inb4 pics or it didn't happen