Hello everyone!

This time I had to speed things up a little bit. In an hour I am leaving for the airport, as I am going home for a week, so I won't have a chance to play till next Sunday. So I try to keep this one shorter as well:


Very interesting ADC. He scales with AP (only his ult is mixed dmg), so you have a possibility to build him AD, AP or hybrid - and still do good. It brings options for your team, as the enemy can't build effective resistance items to this. Two skillshots and incredible squishiness makes him not viable for unskilled players, but on the other hand it is a challenge, to play him. I got the feeling Kog needs tanky team that can protect him, so he can just stand there safely, to spit and vomit death all around. He is very mana hungry, which makes early game quite harder, as you have to manage your abilities very cost-efficiently. All in all interersting champion for anyone who focus on ADC role.

I tried her as a support, which not many people like to see in a game, especially in low elo. Why? Her ult, that in case of supporting Lux is pure kill stealer.

Game itself is not boring, I enjoyed running around, shielding everybody, playing the minigame "position-yourself-so-well-you-can-shiled-as-many-teammates-as-possible", stunning and slowing enemies so others could finish them, or securing kills with my ulti, if they managed to escape with a sliver of health.

But - for this kind of support I recommend Janna, whose ulti is a heal and a reposition tool in one. At least, I enjoyed her more than Lux and all together, I think there are better supports/mid laners. Or better put - more interesting ones. But everyone to his own. She is worth a try, definately.

Another very cheap mid laner/support. I bought her ages ago, when I was all about counters and stuff. As a support, is very funny to frustrate enemy Blitzcrank by perfectly timed shield, that prevents his grab to be succesfull. But as I learned the hard way, it doesn't work against Thresh. Sure, his hook won't do dmg (which is usually quite low anyways), but he can still reactivate his Q and fly at you and do his thing.

Her range is not very big, so she fell out of favour some time ago, but I think she can bring lots of fun to the game. If build properly, she can farm mid lane safely with her pool of death, checking bushes is very safe with her shield, and still she got stun and interesting ulti, that was copied to (or from?) Karma.

I think people should play her more. Especially now, when everyone is crazy about CC. She has some and can prevent them as well.

I'm getting him right after I purchase Draven (missing 1000 IP). I have to figure this guy out. He was made to be a jungler. Consume gets him various buffs from eating various monster camps, he got targeted slow, interesting ulti (although easily canceled), and Blood Boil is very cool, as you can cast it on any friendly player and you get the bonus yourself. That ability is also the reason why he was vastly used as a support. But since I don't like melee supports, who can't do much in laning phase... I will try him asa supp, but later on.

I got the feeling really good players can make good in jungle with this guy, I just don't get his ulti. Players says he is good if ulting from bush - but it is not like Fiddlesticks's ulti. You wont jump. So how can you ult in bush? It won't hit anybody, unless they are running to you (maybe if team mate baited the enemy to the bush where you are ulting?) Can anyone explain this to me, please?

So I'm gonna do more testing with Nunu & Willump, he costs just 450 IP. I got interested in him.

I like to see Rene on top lane in my team. Most of them always do good, and don't need help at all. Now I see why. He is a monster! If I or some of my friends are banning, we always ban him, if we know we are not likely to pick him. I always held respect to him, but now I understand why is he so terrifying.

He is a tank, that does dmg and with full fury bar he is dangerous as any corcodile/alligator in real life is. He's got stun, escape, AoE spin to win ability and outrageous ulti. He's got it all. And got a cool Pool Party skin as well!

Fells like Rene is another easy to learn champion, that does tons of dmg and is safe to play. Definately recommend him for all top laners out there.

Cool champ that nobody plays anymore. And with recent death to the Mobility Boots she is deader than a frozen corpse. With finished boots my speed was 375, which is the lowest I ever got. Unless you lucky or catch the enemy off guard, they have enough time to press their laugh button and just outrun you. Why is she so slow, while riding a wild boar? This sucks!

And she is such a cool jungler! She got slows, AoE stun and a great gap closer/maker. Clearing time is OK, ganks are very powerful... and I think I would play her on top lane as well, just for the fun of it.

Great champion with lots of potential, she just need some serious buff to her movement speed, and maybe some tweaks to her abilities. Seju was never highly popular. She got her time for a while, but that was ages ago. What a pity. I like her. But right now she is not worth it at all :(

My main support. Can't say anything bad about him. He is a support, he got tons of CC, life saving lantern and he is pure darkness! At first I didn't like him, as I was used to Soraka with her heals and mana regen spells... but after I saw few videos and understood how you should play him, I fell in love.

I think this is Riot's most finely done champion ever. His kit is so cool, no matter how they nerf him, he still will be a beast. But what is even better - he doesn't need nerfs or buffs. He is just right.

Sure, he is not good for newbie supports, as you will do more bad than good, but if you can get over the hate your random team will give you (or if you are lucky enough to put together 5 man group that can tolerate you sucking while learning to paly Thresh), you are going to be great. There is a reason everyone loves good Thresh in their team.

Since there is nothing wrong I can tell about this champ, I stop writing about him. If you are maining support, he is a must. If you are casual support, stay away from this one, because if you don't practice enough, you'll suck and get lots of reports and hate. Sad, but true.

I always knew she got potential (my friend plays her a lot), but just now I learned why is she so great. I knew about her tumble wall stun and such, but never knew details of her W and ulti.

But she is not for newbie ADC's. Plenty of bad Vayne players saved enemy players with bad use of her Condemn ability. I lost count how many times the enemy saved me just by kicking me off some skillshot or AoE dmg/stun that was going to hit me.

I actually played two gameswith her. AA is smooth and easy to read, so oyu have no problems with last hiting, and her kit works together greatly, so you have big kill potential, as well as a way to escape many skill shots or mass CC, if you are smart player.

Definately recommend her for any ADC out there.

Got mixed feelings about this one. He is funny, but as Nasus - you are going to be stuck in lane. YOu don't want to roam, you want to stack your Q. many Veigar players don't roam, as roaming prevents farming. They emerge in late game, and type in all chat like crazy "lol my Q does 1000 dmg hahaha". Nice thing to have, sure, but where were you during skirmishes and all those dragon dances, hmm?

His burst is great, abilities just feels right and he is quite skill capped, but a good Veigar can be more than terrifying. but because of his stacking mini game, I don't like to see him on my team. This is another single player mode champion, so I am not going to recommend him at all. Not for team games. In SoloQ he should be fine.

Firstly I bought him for jungling. His Q is great Flash burner, he's got AoE fear, W dmg scales with health, which is always a nice thing to have on tank... and you can build him tanky or as a bruiser.

His ulti is great mixed dmg, so it is hard to make a proper armor/resistance against good Voli. And he is doing great on top as well. Has no problems with trading (you fear them, bite them, then run away), and his dance is pure disrespect to the enemy.

I got him for a long time, but after I bought Vi stopped playing him. I think I'm gonna use him a bit more again. Forgott how fun he is.

Ok, I really have to go, have no more time to spare on writing or correcting this post, I revisit it tomorrow or on Monday, so please excuse any misspelled words.

See you next week, if I will have a chance to try them all :)

Previous reviews:
Week 6 - Annie, Blitzcrank, Cassiopeia, Corki, Lucian, Wukong, Nasus, Nautilus, Taric, Trundle
Week 5 - Cho'Gath, Fiddlesticks, Graves, Irelia, Quinn, Shaco, Janna, Vladimir, Zed, Zyra
Week 4 - Kayle, Master Yi, Soraka, Warwick, Ezreal, Leona, Ziggs, Varus, Darius, Aatrox
Week 3 - Anivia, Karthus, Malphite, Sivir, Shen, Orianna, Draven, Kha'Zix, Elise, Nami
Week 2 - Ashe, Pantheon, Kennen, Xin Zhao, Sona, Nocturne, Fiora, Lulu, Jayce, Quinn