
Wanted to talk a little about shoving lane to tower 24/7.
It works the best for bot lane due having more vision, sustain
and more range and/or poke than other lanes, so it's much safer.

I'm kinda tired of bot lane that only focuses on keeping lane
frozen and always landing the very last basic attack. Doesn't
create much action in the lane, but obviously this fits for
some of the ADC's, but let's talk generally here.

Basically very since you arrive to lane, you push the lane to
tower as soon as a minion wave comes. The advantage is for the
team that doesn't have to go help jungler with the buff.
What are the advantages you may ask ?
  • Gain faster level and reaching 2 earlier than opponent is dominating.
  • Since LS quints are so popular and Butcher mastery ignored, it's
    very common for ADC's to struggle farming under tower.
  • Denying counter-play from support, because of minion damage and presence.

This does leave you more vulnerable to tower aggression and ganks.

Caitlyn is superior doing this, because of small escape tool, zoning wool and
long range poke with basic attack and Q ability. Generally speaking it is very common
to gain +20-30 cs lead in laning phase, even more depending on the picks and skill
level of AD carry. Low gold, you can create +60 cs difference by the end of laning
phase, giving you much more power in team fights. Personally I could recommend this
to pretty much everyone with some exceptions.

It'd be interesting to know from higher ups in plat/diamond, (of course from the
rest also. I'm just more into what happens later on in the ladder) that how much success
you've had with this, if you're doing this often. Would also be cool to know
you're own opinion and propably some favourite comp doing this, benefits, disadvantages...