Hey friends.

I was bored one day and I saw someone talking about Pokemon. I thought to myself: "Hey, let's play some Pokemon." I did some searching and the Pokemon series I watched as a kid was the FireRed version so I decided to download it. Today I started my adventures and I thought I could keep a blog about it.

Day 1

I'm between a hard choice to pick a Charmander, Bulbasaur or Squirtle. I heard Bulbasaur never get any love as a starter pokemon so I decided to go with him. I go through the early shenanigans and I stumble upon a flock of Pidgeys.

I quickly learned that Pidgeys crit often... like really often... so I decide to catch a Pidgey and so I did. I decided that I needed to level up my Pidgey until it learns a fancy new move since tackle sucks.

I got lost at Viridian city. I noticed a path to the left but it was a dead end so I started to explore around the area, without any luck. I finally found the right path which was north of the Viridian city so I decided to continue my adventures there.

In the Viridian forest (north of the city) I stumble upon a swarm of unicorns and Star Wars dudes

I learned my second lesson: Pidgey is op against bug pokemons. I managed to find my way through the confusing maze with my Pidgey and Bulbasaurs around lvl 12. As I was heading towards the gym leader Brock, I face my biggest setback so far: Weedle murders my 12 lvl Pidgey with poison sting.

I quickly run towards the pokecenter and heal my pokemon to face off my first gym leader: Brock. It was ez pz as my Bulbasaur 1 shots everyone.

Day 2

I find a Nidoran from the bushes and with inside help saying he is decent, I decided to catch him. I decide I need to lvl him up so I take him to lvl 14 before continuing my adventure.

Mt. Moon... NEVER AGAIN. Holy moly. Army of Zubats that can't be killed keep attacking me. I quickly come to the conclusion that Zubats are op and I shouldn't fight them. I just go through the trainers there until I meet Grimer. GRIMER, a lump of mud with million defense points that can somehow use harden. It takes all my pp to take down this guy.

I finally find a path I need to take and while I'm at it, my Nidoran evolves into Nidorino and since I happend to find moon stone, I decide to evolve him into Nidoking. I get through the Mt moon after spending way too much time there. I start heading towards my second gym and on my way, my Pidgey evolves into Pidgeotto and Bulbasaur into Ivysaur.

Going through the second gym is ez pz again until I meet the boss. I somehow decided that my other pokemon are falling behind of my Ivysaur so I decide to use them just to realize that supersonic is op move. I get knocked out to the point where Misty's Starmie has 5 hp, my Nidoking is confused but manages to pull off Mega Punch (which I had learned from little girl outside). Here is my second worst setback: Mega Punch misses and I got rekt.

After respawning, I decide to only use Ivysaur. I finally beat Misty and my pokemon adventure could continue towards the bridge where I meet 5 challengers but I decided to leave it for a another day.

Day 3

Stay tuned...