So, this is the story of my life. Random as hell teams. Here's the story:

I'm playing Blind Pick, cause I want some fast wins. Poppy instalocks and calls mid, Jarvan instalocks and calls support, and Fiddle instalocks and calls jungle. Lee Sin decided to take top, and I decided to play AD Kennen for fun. No way we can win right?

We get into the loading screen, and I thought we were doomed. Honestly, how does Poppy win against Diana? How does Lee Sin win against new Garen? Bot lane had way too much poke and we had no sustain, I immediately thought this was a loss.

Poppy leashes blue buff with Ignite. It's like, really? First 5 minutes, Poppy gives first blood to Diana. Fiddle then comes to hold lane and dies, which gave Diana blue buff. Jarvan just sits in the bush and didn't do a damn thing for 10 minutes, he also didn't get any wards, because wards can go to hell when you are a support, right?

Things look like they are gonna pick up when Lee kills Garen by himself. However, Jarvan (who hasn't done a thing during the game) decides to dive Nunu and Ezreal and just feed them a kill. Jarvan comes back to lane with 1 ward and his Philosopher's Stone. He wards the river, which isn't a bad idea, except for the Nunu who is snowballing us every 5 seconds and zoning me from CS.

We get to mid game, Fiddle is 2/7/4, Poppy is 2/6/0, and Jarvan is 1/2/2. Lee is doing fine and beating Garen. We get into teamfights, and everyone just died. They all just focus Garen (I don't even have Infinity Edge by this point, since I've been getting zoned), so they all die to Ez and the fed Diana. I try to save them, and I end up killing Diana but giving them the ace.

At this point, it's degraded down to the biggest blaming game I've ever seen. Fiddle is blaming Poppy and Jarvan, Poppy is blaming Fiddle, Jarvan is blaming Fiddle, and Lee Sin is blaming everyone but me. I decided to remain silent.

We get to late game, everyone else on my team are idiots except for Jarvan who helps me focus their carries. We get 2 barons, get nearly aced 4 more times (I was the only one that lived, positioning OP), and finally, after a long grueling match, we win. I'm still confused as to how we won, considering how low our morale was and how bad my team was.


Attempt 2:

Diana support who buys 0 wards and takes 60% of my CS. Only time I got CS was when I was alone, as the rest of the team would take my CS as well. Diana doesn't block 2 Cait ults aimed at me, when she wouldn't die from them ... GG. I woulda done better but I simply was gold starved the entire game. AD Kennen strong late game, and they had no armor since I was so behind. Pretty much wrecked their Diana, Veigar, and Cait.