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Posted a Comment: Dec 19th, 2016
"Also a top Riot designer said that Yasuo Master Yi and Kalista are supposedly 3 champs that they talk about very much with a rework, just still haven't found a final solution, but will be getting reworks before 2017 season is over"
Asked a Question: Nov 28th, 2016
As playing ryze you need to know the combos to get your shield up on him so you can take more damage. Also the storm raiders surge mastery will help you get away once you finish his combo...
Posted a Comment: Nov 28th, 2016
"Vi will definitely, but she is more of a jungler then a top laner. Jayce is a lot more damage and knowing the combos to do damage."
Asked a Question: Nov 17th, 2016
to answer the question. Jhin adc is most viable, yes I have played him mid too, but he does just get destroyed from assassins and ganked pretty easily. Jhin ADC is a must
Asked a Question: Nov 16th, 2016
The one and only thing I agree with in Jimmy's post is, "it is impossible to win every game". Yes keeping your cool is all fine and dandy, but getting more proficient with your role and...
Asked a Question: Nov 14th, 2016
It depends on what your role is, or what you contribute in game. Yes if you are a carry IE mid lane, ADC, JG, or Top depending on champion, then yes there are things you can do to get your damage...
Asked a Question: Nov 7th, 2016
Havent heard anything on either champ for changes, Changes have come to twitch alistar ivern and the other 10 assassins that got reworked. The new season comes into effect soon, so just...
Asked a Question: Nov 7th, 2016
jungle or top lane is the only viable option for graves anymore. Since his range is a lot shorter than other adc's and he cant hit minions that are behind other minions, he will get out traded...
Asked a Question: Nov 3rd, 2016
Zed is the best. Followed by Leblanc for me personally. Zed falls off late game, but Leblanc can carry all the way through the game