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mastajdog's avatar


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Rep: Memorable (77)
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mastajdog's Mobafire Blog

29 May
So when i can get SEVEN triple kills in a 3v3 game as mundo, go 11/0/10 in another 5v5, and have an overall record for the day of 7 wins to 1 loss, and get legendary every game, i can safely say: Mundo is op. he just is. i'l going to post pictures soon, but mundo is op. and RIOT, please stop nerfing him already
i am working on a guide already for my op killer mundo. it's pretty simple really. play him like a glass cannon early, like you would viegar, and then go all melee lategame.

also, darious is so op he makes mundo look like a bloody fool.

people need to learn AND REMEMBER how...
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25 Apr
just lookint through the forum, when i see this awesome post from like forever ago and i was all like DUDE I KNOW!!! SO RIGHT! and then i +rep and realize i posted it and was all AWW:(

but these guys are underrated/unheard of and deserve more attention/+reps
DUFFTIME, the god of all holy and rightous, and chaotic bliss, head of mental warfare.

no. really. find them. drink in their knowledge, and +rep them.
and no, i wasn't asked to say that

also, Dr. Mundo is just awesome... on the off-chance that your laning opponnents didn't bring ignite. but sometimes even if they did, he...
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06 Apr

Views: 810 busy life

This week has been quite busy. most days i've been from 7am -10 pm working on a movie for school. it better be a 100%, but at least it gets to be a portfolio. to add to the frustration, league's bugging on me. any time i try to alt-tab or whatever, it makes my screen blank. totally. crtl-shift-ecs doesn't help, nor do the big-guns crtl-alt-del. only thing i can do is reboot. i'm re-installing league, but are there any other ideas?

no, it's not the computer. it's brand-new, and i know that it eats league like a joke. 60fps max settings on a 1080p display only takes 30% of my graphics and...
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25 Mar
so earlier, i posted that i was back. but due to afking that would have been caused, i decided against it. now that that issue is solved, i'm good to go. see you all on the fields.

also, new computer's running better than ever.
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08 Feb
Hey guys. it's me, mastajdog again. i've taken a bit of a break, between Christmas break, my laptop dying, not playing LoL much, but all that's taken care of. 60 fps max settings, no lag, and .1 sec alt tabs means once i regain my sleep, i'll be getting 3-4 hours of LoL a day (so 1-2 hours tomorrow and the day after it's game time.) but anyway, i'll be re-updating my builds, posting some new ones.
here's what i managed to do in my absence:
-hit 200 wins
-start playing normals DRAFT pick, not blind
-see why amumu's so much better in the jungle (although how do you take dragon with him?)...
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