So I'll put some quick notes here, with explanations down below

Quick Notes:
Enemy AD heavy team: Urgot
AD heavy team(yours): Corki, Sivir
Poke Comp: Caitlyn, Tristana
AoE Comp: Twitch, Graves, Sivir, Miss Fortune
Enemy Tanky team: Kog'Maw, Corki
Early Game team(yours): Ezreal, Sivir, Miss Fortune

So let's take a look here at, in my oppinion, good picks based around your team or the enemy team.

If the enemy team is fairly AD based (i.e. like a jungler, top, and bot lane) then Urgot is probably your best option. He naturally builds in to Frozen Heart and has a great shield. He's often seen as an 'anti-AD carry' champion, which is somewhat true. He doesn't bring a whole lot to the table late game, but he'll be tanky throughout the entirety of the game. If your team lacks late game damage, then Urgot may not be your best option, even if the enemy team is AD heavy.

If your team is AD heavy then you may want to pick up Corki or Sivir. Corki in my opinion is the better pick in this option because of his passive armor shred. However, because in this situation the AD's on your team are most likely going to be melee based (with exception to you) Sivir's ultimate becomes one of the best for her team. Movement speed increases on any melee champion (or slows for that matter) benefit melee champions drastically. Both are viable picks, but if you feel like you're going to need to carry pretty hard, then go with Corki. Sivir might be the better option in a coordinated team.

If your team is based around a poke comp (this can work very well against some champions, specifically Cassiopeia, Karthus, Ryze, and various others) then Caitlyn and Tristana are your best bets. Cailtyn's poke is great throughout the entirety of the game which will naturally make her a better pick than Tristana in this situation, but Tristana comes on really strong late game and has a better ability to disengage and re-engage through Rocket Jump. However, the down side is Tristana's weak mid-game and for Caitlyn it would be her weak late-game.

If you're building around AoE comp then you have several options. In my opinion, Twitch and Graves are the best options if you want AoE damage as opposed to Sivir who brings an AoE steroid. I've included Miss Fortune in to this list because she does have an AoE ultimate, but in my opinion it is far weaker than other options. The main reason I feel that Bullet Time is weaker than Spray and Prey or Collateral Damage is because it deals magic damage. While this may not seem like a big deal, considering that most AoE damage is magic, simply buying MR for an AoE comp would shut down the comp relatively effectively. Twitch and Graves on the other hand deal purely physical damage with their ultimates which really can throw off an opponent and force them to build some armor. Twitch may not be the most viable AD bot, but he does have some of the highest damage in the game when he is able to utilize his ultimate on mulitple targets.

Against tanky teams, Kog'Maw and Corki are the best options. This should be pretty self-explanatory, Corki's armor shred works wonders against the likes of Rammus and Shen, Malphite (not to mention most tanks). Kog'Maw chunks percent hp off opponents, pretty self-explanatory, nothing else much to say.

If you have an early game team then Miss Fortune and Sivir are probably your best picks. Both have great laning phases, Sivir is a little weaker early, but has strong late-game. Miss Fortune's late game isn't really that bad, she's not as useful to her team late game, because she lacks an AoE steroid, but that really shouldn't take away from the fact that you're trying to achieve early game dominance. I feel like Ezreal is another great early game champion. His late game is pretty good, I feel like mid-game he is a little weak. He has relatively low mana costs (for Mystic Shot), the ability to disengage or engage easily with Arcane Shift, and an AoE ultimate with Trueshot Barrage. His poke is fairly good for early game. I haven't really tested him as much as I would like to for early game dominance, but so far, I'm fairly impressed by his laning.

Final notes: These strategies will not guarantee victory, you have to play well as well. Often, things will not always turn out how planned, which is what makes League such a great game. Rather, you should think of this as a way to increase the chances of a win at champion select.

thanks for reading, tell me what you think