Hey guys, so I figured that maybe I would be able to climb the ELO ladder a little easier if I write about each game after I play. But first a bit about me.

In Season 2 I did not play very well winning 4 out of 14 games. Although I did do a lot of mixed things in that season.
In the 3rd season I have already started playing and I am on my 5th game and I'm playing a lot better than before, or maybe my teammates have been better. I'm not sure. But here are my first five games.

I am going to be focusing on support as I believe that is my best role. If someone takes it before me then I suppose I will go with top.

1st game:
Taric - 0/7/13
Items: Philospher's Stone, Boots of Mobility, Heart of Gold, Zeke's Herald
I pretty much always start wit PS and HoG. If I can afford boots and not afford the ruby crystal (so between 350 and 450 gold) then I will take the boots before HoG). Aside from that I got Zeke's to help my ADC get some damage and life steal. 7 deaths, I don't think is very good but it resulted in 13 assists.

2nd game:
Nunu - 2/5/5
Items: Philospher's Stone, Heart of Gold, Chain Vest, Boots of Mobility, Negatron Cloak.
In this game I think we were generally not doing well and Nunu is by far my worst support. I can't remember who I was up against in this game either. In future posts I will be posting directly after the game so I will be able to tell you more details for everything.

3rd game:
Sona - 0/1/10
Items: Philosopher's Stone, Heart of Gold, Negatron Cloak, Ninja Tabi.
This was a shorter game, I earned a total of 4591 gold. Obviously I started with PS, then HoG. If I remember correctly our Mid lane was doing very poorly so I got an earlier Negatron cloak before boots which helped roam. I got the Ninja tabi instead of a Chain Vest to help give me some armor and speed. Not as fast as the Boots of Mobility but it gave me some armor to survive and speed on a budget.

4th game:
Sona - 4/4/18
Items: Philosopher's Stone, Heart of Gold, Boots of Mobility, Frozen Heart, Aegis of the Legion, Kindlegem.
This was also a fairly good game. I think that Sona is overall my best character to play. In total I earned just over 12,500 gold. Started with HoG and PS and Boots of speed. After that I got a chain vest because we we're still laning quiet late against a pretty good Eze. We ended up getting a lot of kills and assists so I got my boots of mobility then I thought I should build my chain vest into something useful. Do you think getting a Frozen Heart is a good idea as a support? I probably should have tried to grab a Cloth Armor before the chain vest to build Aegis first. Finally I got the Kindlegem because it is useful for building into two of the main items I get for late-game support, Zeke's and Shurelya's.

Main questions:
Is Nunu a viable support?
Should I get a chain vest or a cloth armor early on?
What do you do when you're up against a blitzcrank?