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MrMad2000's avatar


Rank: User
Rep: Remarkable (41)
Status: Offline
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MrMad2000's Mobafire Blog

29 Aug
To anybody who is reading, hello! It's been a while and if you know who I am you may have wondered where I've been! Truth is, I haven't been active because I was thinking about quitting League for months at a time since I just wasn't playing every day like I used to. The last 2 months however... let's just say I've played roughly 450 games... I have been playing 10+ games a day, with my record being a whopping 25 games in a single day so far.

I'm still hardstuck Plat though. Holy I'm bad at this game...

(also it's my birthday on the 31st of august : ^)...
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31 Jul

Views: 527 ayy i'm diamond 4 now

Let's hope I can continue climbing. Diamond 4 is my peak rank of all time and it took a month to go from Diamond 5 to 4, but let's see if we can continue climbing!

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07 May


I was platinum one in November last year, but unfortunately dropped to platinum five a month after, and never managed to reach my diamond promotion games. Thankfully, half a year later I managed to crawl back into platinum one and luckily get to my promos, finally getting into diamond after the third promo to diamond in the span of two days.

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