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MyBloodisBlack's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Pentakill

31 Jul

Views: 1623 Pentakill

Greetings and Saluations,

This is a blog I have been wanting to do for quite sometime because it's a subject that is rarely talk about in the community and that is those players who continuously brag about how many Pentakills they have gotten in their careers and make it out like they were sipping their tea, hit a button and boom...PENTAKILL (I am looking at you Karthus players right now).

Heres the deal, I am not a great player (shock) and in my 16 months in League of Legends I have record 1 pentakill...that is all...Just one single pentakill but you know what that Pentakill remains...
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21 Apr
Greetings and Salutations one and all and welcome to my blog

Yesterday something incredible happened, something that even after a good night sleep I am still buzzing from the thrill of it because I, MyBloodisblack achieved my very first pentakill in League of Legends :D.

Firstly the match up - I decided to go with Vi in the jungle because I love her power, her defensive capabilities (which was a big part of the pentakill) and just her cocky attitude just makes her really fun to play with :).
On my team we had Jinx and Lulu in bot lane, Nidalee in mid lane and Jax holding the top lane...
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