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MyBloodisBlack's avatar


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Rep: Remarkable (31)
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MyBloodisBlack's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Jungle

30 Jun

Total Skins purchased in April 2014 - 50
Total Skins purchased in May 2014 - 50
Total Skins purchased in June 2014 - 65
Total Skins purchased in July 2014 - 55
Total Skins purchased in August 2014 - 71
Total Skins purchased in September 2014 - 38
Total Skins purchased in October 2014 - 29
Total Skins purchased in November 2014 - 27
Total Skins purchased in December 2014 - 8
Total Skins purchased in January 2015 - 5...
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12 Nov
Hello and Welcome everyone to one of my top 10 list here on Mobafire :)

Now this is officially my first FULL season of League of Legends and despite all the negativity I actually really enjoyed myself and although I did finish in Bronze I am actually pretty pleased with how I did for someone with very little experience or time to actually practice.

As some of you may know about me I do love the female champions quite a bit...ok quite alot and although yes I do find a majority of them pretty hot (except for Annie I am not THAT perverted) I actually like them because I believe they are...
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21 Apr

Views: 1436 Jungle

Greetings and Salutations one and all and welcome to my blog

Yesterday something incredible happened, something that even after a good night sleep I am still buzzing from the thrill of it because I, MyBloodisblack achieved my very first pentakill in League of Legends :D.

Firstly the match up - I decided to go with Vi in the jungle because I love her power, her defensive capabilities (which was a big part of the pentakill) and just her cocky attitude just makes her really fun to play with :).
On my team we had Jinx and Lulu in bot lane, Nidalee in mid lane and Jax holding the top lane...
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