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MyBloodisBlack's avatar


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MyBloodisBlack's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Champions

12 Nov
Hello and Welcome everyone to one of my top 10 list here on Mobafire :)

Now this is officially my first FULL season of League of Legends and despite all the negativity I actually really enjoyed myself and although I did finish in Bronze I am actually pretty pleased with how I did for someone with very little experience or time to actually practice.

As some of you may know about me I do love the female champions quite a bit...ok quite alot and although yes I do find a majority of them pretty hot (except for Annie I am not THAT perverted) I actually like them because I believe they are...
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24 Jun

Views: 2471 Champions

First and Foremost I am a skin collector in the game... I love all the skins and I buy loads whenever possible so I thought I would discuss on the biggest questions in League of Legends - Do skins actually make your champion better?

Well firstly you have the rumored skins that apparently do give you an edge compared to the original champions skins like the extra distance in the reach of iBlitzcrank to the extra area of damage given by Pool Party Ziggs bombs and the videos and game play footage that has been shown on Youtube do indicate that these do give an physical edge to your...
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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide