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Posted a Comment: Aug 19th, 2012
"Hmmm... Honestly I don't think we'll know how well it'll work til they try it so all the talk isn't accomplishing much. It would be cool if they were to do this and see how it goes and if people liked it keep it and if not just take it out in the next patch. It's not like they haven't had rough week"
Posted a Comment: Aug 19th, 2012
"This isn't as much as a qq as it is a question. Why do people rage even when their team is winning? I just played a game where the other team ff'd at 20, but this xin was raging at our morde the whole time for "ksing". I had to tell them both to shut up and stop raging and just ignore each"
Posted a Comment: Aug 18th, 2012
"I have a friend that has confessed he always saves his raging for after the game so he can't be reported. But as lugignaf stated, that's not really bad. If you don't wanna listen to the guy you can just leave the screen or just not look at the chat to the side."
Posted a Comment: Aug 18th, 2012
Sometimes? Let's be honest now. It isn't just "sometimes" is it?"
Posted a Comment: Aug 18th, 2012
"I am batman."
Posted a Comment: Aug 17th, 2012
"I had high hopes for my last game. I was 10/2 with akali, I'd demolished midlane, and my team seemed to be doing well. Then I checked the boards. Our lee sin was 1/11. Guess who lost? Hint. It was me. "