Hey guys!

Welcome back to Nera's corner! Today i bring you the summoner spell Teleport!

Teleport has many uses and here is a short list on why it's so usefull compared to other summoner's:

1.Allows to go back to base and Teleport back in without losing any experience or gold from creeps as you will be back to lane before the enemy laner pushed to your turret(that is if you pushed your lane to their turret) and that will grant you the item and possible level advantage.

2. Those awesome ganks! Push your wave to enemy turret then have fun teleporting to an allies ward making the enemy at least burn a summoner's or even get kills/assists if done correctly.

3. When late game comes around it is perfect for split-pushing! Especially if you have a Champion with an excellent wave clear such as Tryndamere, Singed, Teemo,Etc.

Now here comes my own questions on this summoner spell:

1. Why is it barely used? In my opinion it is barely used because most don't see the uses of it.
2. If those three points are the only things on that list isn't it better to go get Ignite or some other more usefull spell? Ignite will mostly only help you early on in your own lane. While Teleport will enable you to gain a team advantage as you could go gank bot(if your not already in bot lane) and then go for an objectives such as dragon. So instead of just yourself getting benefits your whole team can snowball,not just yourself.

Thanks for tuning on todays Information stop from me Nera. Hope you have enjoyed it! Don't forget that if you have any questions, comments or suggestions leave it in the comments below!
