Let's be straightfoward here. I mean it.

When the enemy Ashe has Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancers by 20 minutes, and your AD carry has barely managed to get his B.F. sword;
when the enemy Annie has Will of the ancients and a Needlessly Large rod and your AP carry is only with Hextech Revolver and Sorceror's shoes;
when your jungler has died four times and the enemy jungler stole all of your buffs;
when your solo top is getting outfarmed and zoned, as well as giving kills away;
when your support isn't getting your carry any kills;

be realistic, it's a defeat...

Guys, whoever doesn't ACCEPT DEFEAT at that point is seriously kidding, unless you can just manage to carry and 1v5 every teamfight, please use the surrender function... sometimes we can't handle it, it's NORMAL, there's nothing to be afraid of, it's just a loss. I hate losing, I sure do, but I'd rather get started earlier than have to wait the 40 minutes mark to actually start again... So for the ragers and "prideful" players:

You can't win all...

I beg you people out there to PLEASE consider the fact that you WILL lose some matches, and you WILL win some too! Don't get angry or rage because you're going to lose... Let's look at HotshotGG, or maybe Chaox, Elementz, Reginald, the list of known players goes on and on, but honestly, do you REALLY think that they have problems with losing a game? I'm pretty sure that they can have some trouble against other good players, or when they're not properly placed in a team, or when the enemy team has banned their champions or anyway, being straightfoward, THEY ALSO LOSE!!!

Now for the casual gamers, you have to understand that some people (me, for example) like to do things other than play LoL sometimes, and the main reason I don't PvP much recently, is because I end up WASTING 50 minutes of my life because some ragy player doesn't accept that the enemy Annie is casting tibbers and dealing 2.000 damage, instantly killing anyone without a banshee's. If you're the type of player who doesn't accept defeat, then my friend, go and see the doctor, you're defnitively not ok...

Anyways... I think I'm done, I just got tired of it, even when I'm doing bad I'm on a good mood, but today was enough of it... I just hate when nobody cares about personal life, it's not like we HAVE to play it for living, and thus winning is necessary... Well whatever... I just hope people become more open minded to things ¬¬