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Posted a Comment: Jan 2nd, 2013
"Well, on someone like galio, this should work very well."
Posted a Comment: Jan 2nd, 2013
"Jax IS the only real hybrid. I mean, he actually builds hextech gunblade and guinsoo's rageblade. Some still build trinity force on him, but well, trinity force just isn't that great anymore."
Posted a Comment: Jan 2nd, 2013
"Outdated guide. The new assasin meta, where panth is played at high elo, favors a way different build.
Pantheon now goes mid
The most important items are bloodthirster, black cleaver and last whisper
The only defense item is guardian angel
Boots are "
Posted a Comment: Jan 2nd, 2013
"Bad jax build. You don't need zephyr, you don't need trinity force, I would go defensive boots. hextech gunblade is still a must on him and a second defense item with randuin's omen, which is the best defense item of S3, is also better. randuin's omen scales also nice with hi"
Created a Thread In Site Support On: Jan 1st, 2013
Hungering Strike
Warwick's Hungering Strike misses something. The 100% AP ratio gets added to both the percentage and flat damage as bonus damage.
Posted a Comment: Jan 1st, 2013
"I think the TT-section is outdated, because at TT, there is no longer madred's razors. I would also say, boots of mobility would be a nice choise because it is a Wanderlust warwick."
Posted a Comment: Jan 1st, 2013
"Here is a special song for a skin:
Jungle Samurai Yi:
Posted a Comment: Jan 1st, 2013
"Well, first, my build was from the 19. November and second, kog'maw is different from the other ad-carries because of his super long range (which depends onto CDR) and his %HP shredd."
Posted a Comment: Dec 30th, 2012
"I normally jungle master yi and sion for ad jungler lately anyway, so the reason of AS marks, glyphs and quints should be obvious."
Posted a Comment: Dec 30th, 2012
"There is no Wit's end."